%D%A Custom Friends Space Generator %D%A%D%A
My Peepz
My Cuzin QuanNoodles
My God SiStaH Ashlee
My MiDdlE SiStaH Andrea
My OlDeSt SiStah IonA
My LIttle Cuzin Nana
LaRi LaRry My Gal Bmore!!!!!
God's Given Life My friend Chloe
My Friend Emoney Wats Really Gud
Khadi Always Like a Sistah
Dancin Friend Channa Aka Ms hershey
WordS Can't Describe How Much U Inspired Me Dance Teacher Luam
Jamican Gal Toya
Onjalieue Miss Unique
Tashauna AKa Miss Get at cha Gurl lOve yuh
My LOng time friend Star
Tren Aka Yummy (crime scene)
My Cuzin Tinia
All The way back since 1992 my friend kandy
Save Di Best For last lol Angelique
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Latik in the yellow yay!!!go head