*Chula* Dolce come sciroppo profile picture

*Chula* Dolce come sciroppo

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."

About Me

I can’t denied my pass ,I can just learn from my mistakes. I love to have true friends,I am a loyal friend ,and GF (even if you Fuck me over)..... I have been through alot in my life, and I am proud that I have overcome so many obstacles. I have lost many friends and love ones. To those that are still by myside I cherish and hold them very close to my heart. Always remember if you love something let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours. If it doesn't it was never yours to begin with. I have lost what I thought that it was my one and only love.I have realize that in life we can love more than once. I am opening my heart to to a new chapter to someone that is willing to erase the pain and the tears that I shed for someone that didn't deserve them.I don't hold regreats because life is too short,I believe in living life to the fullest you never know what the next second will bring. Love to be Love, Respect to be Respected Love you're enemy as much as you hate them deep inside people are part of you're life for a reason. If someone is you're enemy, always remember that a lesson was taught to you by them, so love them for teaching you. Learn from the experience and don't do it again.I believe in fogiveness and not pay back. Live to learn, and Learn from the lesson that is though to us by God everyday.There is a reason why we are who we are, there is a reason why we do what we do,there is a reason why we are in this world Let's enjoy it while we can. Now let me be the one that is respected,love, and appriciated for who I am.
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My Interests

My passion has always been flying, Currently working on getting my private pilot license.
I try to enjoy my life to the fullest, you never know what the next day will bring you. I'm Interested in meeting Mr. Right if he is out there. All I ask for is someone that First of all respect themselves and their Mother, someone that is willing to open the door to new things in life, someone that will love me for who I am. Mr. right to me doesn't have to have a specific look, but they have to have a hart, they have to have feelings for life like I do.

I'd like to meet:

Tom Cruise, Hilary Clinton,and my father's side of the family. A MAN THAT WILL RESPECT A REAL WOMAN LIKE ME. ARE YOU THE ONE? IF YOU NOT WILLING TO RESPECT ME DON'T EVEN BOTHER ME. Here is a video of Greg T from Z100 taking some salsa lessons from Jose and me.


Salsa, R&B, Brazilian music, and some bachata. I think that it always depends on the messege that is been transmited in a song not the type of music so much, that I like. I love club re-mixes, from DJ'S that know what they are doing.


John Q,The Pelican Brief, The Notebook, Hotel Rowanda,Sleepless in Seattle, Philadelfia,The Lion King,Finding Nemo LOL). This movie brings me good memories


Nip-Tuck, Honeymooners, My Spanish Novelas, curb your Enthusiasm


Out of all youre lies, I love you! was my favorite." Draw a circle,not a heart,around the one you love because a heart can break but a circle goes on forever."


R.Canoe To some he might be just a second basement, to me he is a second basement with a big hart. Sometimes people judge him for what he does wrong on the Field but we fail to look at what they do out of the field. I can guarantee you that he is not a selfish arrogant individual, like most people might think he isFor those that have something negative to say about Canoe don't bother requesting me as a friend. Untill you become someone that don't foget where you come from, gives back to those that always supported you, helps the most needed childrens, mothers and fathers you will not gain my respect. I can be proud to say I am not just a fan of his but a friend and someone that will always respect him.Hilary Clinton. A woman that stands by her man after what he did is a woman that has her shit together.
She shows confidence, and not to mention her intelligence when addressing the public.-------Ifihad.com Hide Details Section Code -----
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My Blog

From Dana to Danny

Thursday, July 10, 2008 . ..TR>   "The Miracle Boy" Current mood: grateful Category: Life Many many many of you already know what has been going on in my life for the past month and a half. ...
Posted by *Chula* Dolce come sciroppo on Fri, 08 Aug 2008 09:20:00 PST

From Dana to Danny She is a special girl

Thursday, July 10, 2008 ..TR>   "The Miracle Boy" Current mood: grateful Category: Life Many many many of you already know what has been going on in my life for the past month and a half. A...
Posted by *Chula* Dolce come sciroppo on Fri, 08 Aug 2008 09:17:00 PST

By:MP & AR

Am I the fool? When we think is over Life and love, We fall in love at early age we get get hurt, W take time to heal We fall a victem again when we think is ok As I  sit back with tears run...
Posted by *Chula* Dolce come sciroppo on Fri, 09 May 2008 03:34:00 PST


SER URUGUAYO ES UN SENTIMIENTO QUE SE LLEVA EN EL ALMA El Uruguayo no te llama por teléfono: te pega un tubazo El Uruguayo no te dice esperáme un minuto: aguantáme un cacho. El Uruguayo no fue a...
Posted by *Chula* Dolce come sciroppo on Fri, 02 May 2008 03:03:00 PST

About me

I have been through alot in my life, and I am proud that I have overcome so many obstacles. I have lost many friends and love ones. To those that are still by myside I cherish and hold them very close...
Posted by *Chula* Dolce come sciroppo on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 06:08:00 PST


Travel to Uruguay  Unbiased reviews and great deals from TripAdvisor Uruguay..BodyText--> ..> ..> ..> ..> Map of Uruguay..>..>Oriental Republic of Uruguay National name: República Oriental d...
Posted by *Chula* Dolce come sciroppo on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 06:25:00 PST

Ten Commandments of Life by Adonea (C)1990

FIRST - Fully and unconditionally love yourself. Recognize your Divinity. Honor yourself. SECOND - Unconditionally love and accept others. Recognize their Divinity and honor them. THIRD - Take respon...
Posted by *Chula* Dolce come sciroppo on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 02:55:00 PST

Ms Uruguay NY 97 & Ms. Portugal 2006

Posted by *Chula* Dolce come sciroppo on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 02:16:00 PST