S a m a n t h a[♥] profile picture

S a m a n t h a[♥]


About Me

girls layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments ok so im Samantha, im 19 years old and i graduated from liberty high school in 2006. since then i have pretty much been bullshittin and having as much fun as i possibly can. i drive a 98 red eclipse. here recently i found out that i am pregnant, at the moment i am about 6 months pregnant. chuck is the father of my baby and so far hes stickin around with me through this, its going to be tough but ive always been a strong type of girl so i will get through it. im having a babygirl, docs told me it was a boy, i went back and its a girl,soon enough all it will be over and ill be back to the normal me :) trust and believe back and better then everfont

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