100% COLOMBIANA UCF Performance ;o) I'm wearing the black shirt that's off the shouldersWATCH ME LOL...Luther Vandross I'm in this music video for like 2 seconds I'm wearing a turqouise shirt.My BFF Leo and I.. We on FIRE hahaEl que se domina a si mismo, vale mas que el que domina una ciudadNo importa cuantas veces caigas lo que si cuenta es cuantas veces te vuelves a parar.
I love to love and I hate to leave, but I love freely and I live freely. -Brigitte Bardot. P.S. That's who I was named after. ;o)
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100 % Colombian Have to represent for Medellin. TEXTI believe in integrity and respect. Never lowering my morals to meet the status quo and never giving up on my dreams. A smile always warms the heart. TEXT I believe in being humble and that true beauty is found within. The exterior is fleeting.Recently moved from NYC to Orlando.I went to NY for acting school at 17 and stayed for about 3.5 years. New York was great but not for me. Too fast paced. I've been singing since I was 3 it's all I ever really wanted to do. Recorded my first CD at 15 I wrote all the songs and helped in the production process. I have performed in various states North Carolina, Atlanta, GA, Florida. I also had a singing gig in New York and Boston singing basically cover songs. Just finished filming a season for the Maury Show up there. I played an under cover "decoy". I would bust cheaters and get confessions out of teens. Selected to be in a Luther Vandross music video. Was also in a play called PS 357 in New York dealing with the crisis of school shootings (written by Alberto Bonilla a very talented man) I finally finished recording the song Blue Fire with the genius Adam Santiago.I hope to record many more. Also got selected for a book cover called Windwill Town by Christopher Outridge (your the greatest and thanks for always believing). I have many goals and aspirations but one day I realized I didn't want to struggle anymore "waiting" for my big break. New York is tough when your all alone and I was tired of working low income bullshit jobs. So I moved back to Orlando I'm going to school and start making enough money to support my career, which is essentially my baby. I've been singing all my life and I graduated from an intensive two year acting conservatory. It is a little scary to take a hiatus and go to school for a real career but I also want to be successful in life and make money. Well see, " God take the steering wheel". In the end God will decide my fate. If it's meant to be it will be.If not at least I won't be 40 and still struggling. All I know is from the age of 3 till now I gave it my all and gave up pretty much everything for my career but I can't continue this way. Currently I was selected to be in the dance group HypnotiQ which is a Hip Hop dance group in Orlando. We did a Music Video for Corillo y Gemini. We also booked a performance for the UCF half time show. I feel very blessed and love the fact that I still get to perform. " I never picked my profession, it's an innate passion". No matter where my life takes me I will always love performing, singing, acting. I can't turn it off.. Much to the dismay of my family..lol. sometimes myself, life would have been much easier had I just wanted to be a doctor or a lawyer.
Your Birthdate: July 10
Independent and dominant, you tend to be the alpha dog in most situations.
You're very confident, and hardly anything ever shakes you.
Mundane tasks tend to drain you - you prefer to be making great plans.
You are quite original. When people don't "get" you, it bothers you a lot.
Your strength: Your ability to gain respect
Your weakness: Caring too much what others think
Your power color: Orange-red
Your power symbol: Letter X
Your power month: October What Does Your Birth Date Mean? href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3LjEyM215Y29kZX MuY29t"Myspace Layouts