SOME DAYS YOU ARE THE BUG, SOME DAYS YOU ARE THE WINDSHIELDWell my main interest, what I do daily, is be a mom. Aside from that, I love to write. I always have. I used to fill journals upon journals with all sorts of feelings, thoguhts, things I would hear, poetry (which is something else I enjoy) and anything that came to my mind. I want to educate other moms on being the best we can. Not keeping the cleanest home, but raising world changing children. Children that will offer others in this world a person to look up to. If you are wanting to be that, to raise your children that way, I am ALL for meeting you. I like watching movies, although I would rather watch them at home. I love to go out and have a good night. Dancing, a drink or two and tons of adult interaction! haha, I like to take walks, although you only have a few months around here to walk in nice weather. ONE OF MY PASSIONS is cooking. I LOVE to cook. I like trying new recipes, and recently I made the most awesome Chicken with Creamy Alfredo Sauce on top of Linguine. Homemade alfredo sauce and all, it was soooo good. The point is cooking and baking are hobbies I really enjoy.
You know I have had so many people in my life come and go. I have had people take extremely wrong turns in their lives, which forced me to leave them behind because I refuse for my kids to live that way, or see those things. At least for now. I have no room in my life for druggies, irresponsible people, and people who only have drama. I am tired, I am raising my family and trying to be the best human I can. I am not saying I am better than anyone, just saying I am trying to live better. I have my children to think about, they drive me to be the best. And that means only hanging with the best.No one. As far as romantically goes, I am happily married."Beautiful boy, how on Earth did I do something worth deserving you? My better half, how I cherish through and through every part of you, I do." -Christina Aguilera-As far as other people in the world I would like to meet Christina Aguilera (She is my favorite! Oh I love her!) Catherine Zeta-Jones, Jennifer Aniston, Johnny Depp, Noah Wyle, Reba McIntyre, man there is a whole slew of people I would enjoy meeting.For the people on MySpace, I would like to meet other moms. I just find that when you are a mom of young ones, you tend to best relate with other moms of young kids. So if you got babies, send me something! I am also interested in meeting other aspiring cooks and bakers. I am all about swopping recipes, and learning new techniques in the culinary and pastry worlds.When it comes to the "big picture", "the whole scheme of things", I am all for meeting God. Meeting Jesus Christ. The One and Only, The Being of Life. I am content with meeting my maker.
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I listen to a lot of different music. My husband is a DJ, he spins techno. My children's Godfather is also a DJ. Although, I do prefer R&B and Hip Hop. I tend to go with some trendy music also. Basically, if I hear it and like it, that is what I listen too!
As I said above, I really enjoy watching movies except I would rather watch them at home. I will go to the theater every once in a great moon. But I try to keep up on the newer ones I think look interesting. Also, my husband and I have been working on a good movie collection. My two favorite movies are The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio and Mona Lisa Smile. I tend to be a little obsessed with the housewives of the 50's. There was something about them that give me hope in being a housewife. Something in the majority of demeanors, and the way they handled their lives.
I love ER it is one of the greatest series and I have seem every episode. I watch Roseanne (I have seen every episode), Everybody Loves Raymond, Reba. I have been getting into SuperNanny as well. That show astonishes me... (hold on I am being baffled) I love HGTV and Food Network. I am way into cooking shows. Bobby Flay and Rachel Ray have recently won over my heart. Emeril Legasse and Martin Yan (Yan Can Cook, back in the day) are my all time favorites. I watch a lot of SpongeBob. Yes, I know ALLLLLL the episodes. My daughter is 5 now and likes shows like iCarly and Drake and Josh. Ethan loves movies. He is always down to pick a movie and pop it in. Although getting him to sit the whole movie, whole other ball of worms.
When I was younger I used to read alot of books. Novel after novel. Since I have become a mom it is more like parenting books, how to books, self-help and self- improvement books, magazines (both entertainment and parental), and of course the never ending list of children's books my daughter loves me to read to her. It is a good thing she likes to read, it expands your mind and your horizons...
..Of course as a Christian, I would say Jesus for all he did for me. My husband is a phenomenal man, and he is the hero of this family. He provides and gives so much to us, with so little in return. My children are heroic to me, for being so brave, growing and learning, becoming who they are. All the firefighters of the world, and the men and women in our Armed Forces, Navy, Air Force, Marines (and the rest) that fight and have fought hard for my freedom, and the freedom of my children. Thank you!!!"If ever blinded by the world’s flaw’s, look into a child’s eyes, and they will remind you just how beautiful our world is; and just how perfect our creator truly is."