Michelle profile picture


What the Bleep Do YOU Know?????

About Me

Life is a game and should be fun...About me? hmm. Born in Montreal, raised in Guatemala, lived in California..then Oregon and now Smashville!"Everything is as it should be" and "Attitude" pretty much encapsulates who I am. Life is now. Inner peace...laughter.. And..........there are WAY too many places I yet have to explore, however, Nashville is home now!

My Interests

Wow..many. I can get into just about anything. Anything that engages and promotes beauty in life...continuous learning... Music...live music..anything live really...from symphony to Here Come the Mummies! Walking my dog Vger, Yoga, Palattes, dancing, the rebirth of downtown Nashville, anything alternative, herbs, reading, nature, white water, canoeing, hiking, walking...more.

I'd like to meet:

More of the same...anyone..everyone...I have met amazing people since I have been here. Everyone has a story...an amazing story.In my friends I want energy, inner peace, positivity, forward thinkers, and "anything is possible" doers!!!


This is not fair. I do not have enough space to do everyone I like justice! I can get into anything except hard core rap, unless it's got a positive vibe or story. Anything that makes you move..love to dance. Of the top of my head..Enigma, Zepplin, Eagles, Scorpions, Gap Band, Ry Cooder, Rush, Cake..and newly (last year and a half) discovered favorites..John Prine, Driveby Truckers, Keith Urban, Stacy Mitcheart, Here Come the Mummies, Ween, Dido, Jackson Hill, Brazil Bill...Like I said....I could go on!!


The last movie I saw was F-911 on Fourth of July...I thought it very appropriate! I dont watch many, but do like documentaries and those movies that are not predictable and those that push the limits on thought and preconceived ideas. What the Bleep do you know???? haha...or 12 Angry Men, One Flew Over the Coocos Nest, Shawshank, Green Mile, Forest Gump, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington...Outfoxed, Supersize Me, Crash...those kind. Not that I did not or do not enjoy Godfather, Pulp Fiction, From Dusk Till Dawn, Phenomenon, Rob Roy, Shining, or the likes....and I will watch Braveheart any day!


I do not like to watch much TV. Dont get me started on the media and control..that being said, if I have time, I will catch a Seinfeld, Saturday Night Live, anything with John Cleese (Faulty Towers is hilarious!) any documentary, history channel, public TV..but I will read or go for a walk over TV any day.


My first book was Mission Earth..actually, it was ten! I love reference books on anything alternative-health, herbs, all things natural. For the last three years my reading material has been in the text book arena, but I still made time for all of Dan Brown's books, Harlin Cobin and Mitch Alboom. I am now reading Pieces of Pie, Sting's book and Howard Zen's The People's History of the United States...wow... I also like Utne, Omni, Popular Mechanics and Mental Floss magazines.


Anyone who is not afraid...pioneers...initiators, establishers....