Music Codes*Laughing/singing*Warmth/hot coco/cuddling*Being active/sports/exercising*traveling*Family/friends*this time of yearrain so soft it kisses my face :) that's One
I'd like to meet:
enlightened people, Bill Gates, Dr.Phil, team at NASA, MuSiCiAnS, a lot of people who've already passed. Whoever makes life worthwhile for a true, good purpose..make me laugh for real :) ...and i'll love you forever
My personal heroes are..God, My -Mommy and Daddy-, Grandma and all the friends in my life. :)
(Parents and sister pic)*"..You helped me be who I am today, You live inside of this man, I pray.. that I can make you understand that I lLove You all the way.. all the way.."****