Generally speaking, I like to eat, drink and sleep, And repeat as necessary. I also prefer laughing to crying... call me crazy.
Thomas Edison and Alexander Hamilton.
e40, Snoop, Kenny G, Eightball and MJG, Christopher Wallace, Pearl Jam (pre Niel Young), Nirvana, STP, Alice in Chains, Kanye, Todd Shaw, Hova, Beastie Boys, and of course... the ramones!
Movie stars are Angels! Even though they have the"Y"re own city, and the lifestyle we all 'think' we desire, they deserve to be TRULY FREE and not have to ENTERTAIN "US" all... Only each other! THE DANCER UPSTAIRS, conspiracy Theory, STRANGER THAN FICTION, PURSUIT OF HAPPyNESS, WALL STREET, SWORDFISH, the final cut, being john malkovich, strange days, swordfish, i LOVE your work, I [heart] huckabees.
Is GOD! then again, so are fingernail trimmers, it's kinda hard to explain...
Dianetics, The Dictionary, The Yellow Pages, The Champagne Spy (isbn9780853036524), farenhiet (415)
Yoga Instructors, Individuals, GOD, Richard Nixon, Jesus Christ, Bhudda, Mohammad, L. Ron Huubard, My Father, Your Mom, Aliens, Mel Gibson, Alex Trabek, Ken Jennings, Parents who don't lie to keep up with the Jones' (Santa.) Ron Insana, Kudlow and Cramer. Larry McMillan, Martin Pring, King Tut, King Ramsees II, People who have inherited "more than money"-THE MEEK. Blood, Polymers, Einstien and the result of those three = INNOCENT people behind bars and on pharmacueticals. People who have paid their dues to 'one' world and now live in another, people such as Ken Lay and Makaveli, Muah! Sunshine, Seeds, Soil. LUMENS AND NUMBERS. THE DRAFTERS OF THE NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE AGREEMENT, no thanks, I can't speak my own frigin language! Hulk Hogan, and all the little Hulksters, including myself. Concession stand workers and comedians, like Mork from Ork, Mindy's Jeep, MacGyver's Jeep and knife, Dick Grasso's barber! Dick Grasso, Tony Robbins. PETE ROSE and Maria Bartiromo's Grandmother (and both her parents) As well as Halle Berry's Mom. And, of course! mighty Casey, Anthony McBride ...RAY BRADBURY, FIREMEN... Vince Vaughn and all his beautiful babies, fructose, African Bird Pepper, everything NICE! and Yoga Instructors