vampires, books, psychology, education, tea, showers.test
kind people who might have bleeding hearts. mean people with a complete lack of respect for establishment and or babies.
death cab for cutie, radiohead, rainer maria, coheed and cambria, the cure, cursive, modest mouse, pedro the lion, rilo kiley, the postal service, ben folds (five), fiona apple, tori amos, rufus wainwright, cat power, cat stevens, bright eyes, belle and sebastian, mirah, the format, the shins, badly drawn boy, the flaming lips, tegan and sara, portishead, quasi, smashing pumpkins, the dismemberment plan
amelie, donnie darko, sleeping beauty, fight club, true romance, interview with a vampire, harriet the spy, harold and maude, american beauty, rocky horror picture show ..
margaret cho, sarah silverman, my grandma