tRaNce, house, MUSIC, HiP HoP, RnB, composition of music, psycology, goth, blood, DrEaMs, death, dark, ankh, vampires, egyptian myths, greek myths, the pandora box, zephyr, snow, snowflakes, stars, meteorites, read, club, smoke, Sun Yanzi, Zhang XinZhe, dance, drink, get high, play, sleep, adventure, animation, anthropology, arcade, arts, astrology, black, blood, books, cars, cartoons, classic, clouds, club, comic, compositon of music, computer gaming, confidence, corner, cute stuff, dancing, dark, deep trance, dream, eat, fAnTaSy, fiction, flying, freedom, friends, fun, gems, giving, goth, hang around, happy endings, insanity, japanese culture, jay zhou, jovial, jubilant, justice, knowledge, laze around, meeting people, mock around, motorcycles, movies, music, nature, peace, pets, philosophy, platinium, progressive house, psychodellic, quotes, read, red, relaxation, get messd up, sanctuary, sandman da endless, sapphire, sciences, sea breeze, sentimental songs, serenity, shooting stars, silence, sincerity, sleeping, small gatherings, smile, smiles, snow, snowflakes, soft toys, sport bikes, sports, stars, stephanie sun, straight forward, stress free, sweet, tarrot cards, tattoo, to be loved, trance, tribal, truthfulness, unique, video games, white, da night sky~~~
i repeated??.. i lost myself with that hell lotsa interests ::hehe:: tell ya more when u noe me in person yeah? or probably finding them out ya..self is more interesting?
I'd like to meet:
everyone out there whom loves fun and weirdos like me. Even better if you have none of my characteristics or mentality so that u would help me learn more and most importantly get me "bitching"
You are very perceptive and smart. You are clear and to the point and have a great sense of humor. You are always learning and searching for understanding.
Find out your color at Quiz Me!
Delerium - Silence, Andain - Beautiful things, Motorcycle - As the rush comes, David Lanz - Lost in paradise, orbital - the beach soundtrack, cyndi wang - dang ni, noemi - in my dreams, nelly - dillema, 50cents - 21 questions, Fat Joe feat Ja rule - What's love, Black Eyed Peas - Where is the love & Shut Up
Girl Interrupted, Catch me if you can, kate and leopold
Cartoon Network, Smurf, Care bears, Powerpuff girls, Crayon Shinchan, Buffy the vampire slayer
The Wheel Of time (Robert Jordan), Neil Gaiman Sandman, Angels & Demons - Dan Brown, Interview with Vampire - Anne Rice, Tuesdays with Morries
The ones that got me into this world