Harry profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I work as a roofer, i love reroofing houses. Up on top of houses and buildings i can see everything, with the help of my binoculars i see so much all around. You might see me in your neighborhood, give me a holler, I'm a hard worker, love workin it, I shake and booty all night, and I love having parties. You should come over sometime and have some drinks, I got a really cool basement. Ill see ya around, for sure.

My Interests

All kinds of games, board games, you suck my battleship! and other fun stuff we can do together, like twister, right hand to where!?

I'd like to meet:

Roleplayers, anyone who dresses up! barney costume is my fav! I can be peter pan and whisk you off your feet into never never land. Scare me with your jason mask or leatherface you big tease!


Grunge music, hardcore punk rock, if you can keep your voice after singing it I dont wanna listen to it."


Thillers and killers, lovers not fighters, I'm a huge fan of them all, a couple favs are Ghost, waiting to exhale, and house of a thousand corpses! Love em and then kill em!


I love commericals! i rewired my tivo to skip programs and only record commercials!


Communist Manifesto, The phone book, maps, your schools facebook directory. I read with nightvision googles so i dont need a light.. light gives away my location.


Hitler and Paris Hilton, He shot himself in the head so they couldnt have his brain, and we couldnt find her brain if we tried... but dam shes hot. Blonde hair, blue eyes... Hilter woulda liked her.