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Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
guard, talking on the phone, hanging out with friends, dancing, singing, listening to music,and just talking to people.
new friends, people that I can connect with, friends I can really talk to. People who are honest and care about things that don't always have to do with them. A guy that will accept me for who I am. A guy that is sweet and will push me to do things. Some famous people I want like to meet: Drew Barrymore, Rese Witherspoon, Keith Urban, Ewan McGregor, Orlando Bloom, and Johnny Deep.
I love music, especiallty country, Kenny Chsney, Rascal Flatts, Lonestar, Big N'Rich, Black Hawk, Carrie Underwood,Gretchen Wilson, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, Taylor Swift,Trace Atkins. I also like a little pop,and brodway like "Phantom of The Opera" and "RENT". I like Avril Lavigne, Kelly Clarkson, Evensance, Simple Plan, and Green Day.I'll listen to about anything.
Movies, hmmm what to say about movies? *thinks really hard*. I like alot of movies horrror, comedy, romance, I'll watch anything as long as I have some company. I love Ever After, Never Been Kissed, A Walk to Remember, Rent (oh my gosh *really excitedly jumps around room*), Moulin Rouge, Phantom of the Opera, The Ring, and basically all The Lord of The Ring Trilogy, thoes are some of my all time favorites.
Now who doesnt like T.V.? Can't really say anything here. I watch alot but it's just random stuff. I absolutely love Inuyasha, House, all the CSI's(Las Vegas is my favorite), and Family Guy.
I love to read, especially Historical Fiction. There is nothing better than to curl up with a good book and read for me when I am stressed. I'll read about anything, plus I haven't really run into anything I havent liked yet.
I guess the heros I have are people who can overcome there obsticales and aren't afraid to tell people the truth. People who have found themselves and aren't afriad to show their true colors, and will stick by what they stand for. I also admire people who can find love and keep it.