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About Me

enjoying life as it comes to me. See me soon in the film JOLENE starring many fine actors we all know and love. flowers layout powered by HOT / MyHotComments

My Interests

My Passions...Acting. singing, star gazing, cloud watching, cloud watching on a bright moonlit night, reading, the arts, live classical ballet, the symphony, rain in the desert, thunder & lightening storms, monsoon season in Arizona, natural beauty, I love to draw, paint, write, write poetry. I love to take long drives. I am a crazy long distance driver who has a bladder of steel and who finds much inspiration in the beauty of nature. Often I drive in silence and wait for ideas to come to me and then scrawl them on a notebook. I am accomplished in the fine art of major multi-tasker. Other times I just rock out listening to my music (see below, below)I love good music, the symphony, live classical piano.Trees make me happy! I have recently fallen in Love with Ashland, Oregon, the "Tree City of America"being outdoors in nature, warm breezes, fresh air, cool grass, the smell of trees in a forest warming in the sun,being indoors curled up with a good book, dusty sunbeams,laughing with my little girl,writing from the heart,going to sleep at night knowing I was honest to everyone that day, morals, values, kindness. The Golden & white photography. Big old trees, ancient forests, the lone tree on the hillside. Sunrises, sunsets. Golden Hour.A really good joke. Belly laughing. Goin' to the club and Dancing with my girls.Happiness. Heartfelt joy. Deliciously rich Coffee in a fabulous coffee cup.

I'd like to meet:

Ed McMahon at my front door with a bunch of balloons.Cool, positive, honest, people passionate about the arts and the art of filmmaking.Check out my reel at you have a project you'd like me to audition for or a script you'd like me to read send me a message.


Depeche Mode, Enya, Duran Duran, INXS, Fiona Apple, Dave Matthews Band,The Flaming Lips-The Soft Bulliten, Steve Burns-Songs for Dustmites, Creed, Five for Fighting Michael Buble, Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, John Mayer, anything that makes me swoon or stirs my soul. Most anything live is AWESOME!! Love classical piano. Symphony Orchestras. Chopin, Mozart, Bach, Dvorak, Beethoven, Tchaicovsky, Rachmoninoff. House/Techno/Trance makes me wanna dance to the wee hours and forget my troubles. Anything my best buddy Pauly Paul mixes for me. Love to shake it to Salsa, Swing, and 80's dance classics.


off the top of my head...21 Grams (cause I'm in it), The Princess Bride, Shawshank Redemption, The Notebook, Sommersby, The Legend of 1800, "Netherbeast, Incorporated", John Philip Sousa Get's a Haircut, Flower Girl (starring Me and I get to run around in tights in a crazy superhero outfit made from a 24 hour Wal-Mart midnight special. Rockin!)


I don't get to watch much TV because I'm usually reading but when I can catch it I enjoy Greys Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch, Project Runway, The History Channel, The Actors Studio, The Discovery Channel, The Food Network. E! I never get tired of Seinfeld. Sex in the City.


LLOOOVVVEEE to read!! Will read just about narrow it down is pretty hard! But recently have enjoyed: Women and Money by Suze Orman. Reading for a Living. The Camera Smart Actor. The Documentary Filmmakers Handbook. Creating Affluence. Way of the Peaceful Warrior. Gary Benchley, Rock Star. The Da Vinci Code. Harry Potter series. Chronicles of Narnia series. The Book of Secrets. How to Write Treatments That Sell. Gifts from Eykis. The Universe in a Nutshell. A Brief History of Time. Magical Child. Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. Manifest Your Destiny. just to name a few. I used to love those sci-fi "choose your own adventure" series haven't seen any around in awhile. I am a magazine junkie, will waste hours on end (much like here on myspace) skimming mindless celebrity fashion/gossip fodder.


The Universe, Einstein, my Dad, my precious daughter, my Husband, Ron Howard. Anyone willing to unselfishly give their time, energies, kindness and attentions to a child, while fully seeing them, helping them to discover their own unique gift and nurturing them to fully realize it.Your results:
You are Wonder Woman Wonder Woman 93% Green Lantern 85% Superman 80% Supergirl 78% Spider-Man 75% The Flash 75% Hulk 60% Catwoman 55% Batman 45% Robin 45% Iron Man 45% You are a beautiful princess
with great strength of character.
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