mY LoVeS: .GoD. .mY bRothEr. .My FaMiLy. .MY kiTtY. .SiNcErE peOPLe. .TruE fRiEndS. .GoOd LIsTenErs. .PeOPLe wiTh GoOd HeArtS. .BrOThErs N siStERs iN cHRiSt. .WeAtHeR. .DiEt CoKe. .diEt RoCksTaRs. .SoUr CrEaM. .GuM. .DeL tAcO's ChiCkEn sOfT tAcoS. .BuRgEr KiNg FrEncH fRieS. .ReD WiNe. .PiNk. .HiGh HeeLs. .CoFfEe. .KiSsiNg. .bLaCk. .SiLvEr. .RaChEL mcAdAms. .GwEnEtH pALtRoW. .SaRaH JeSsiCa PaRkEr. .jeSsiCa SiMPsOn. .NicOLe KidMaN. .OpRaH. .MuSiC. .pERfUmE. .tOm BraDy. .oRLaNDo BLoOm. .joSh DuhMeL. .jOhNnY DePP. .GiViNg 2 OthErS. .LaUgHiNg. .StArS. .trAvELinG. .GoOd FooD. .SLeEpiNG. .TrYinG nEw ThiNgs.
i love all music. what would we do without it?
my favorite movies are: moulin rouge, meet the parents, zoolander, the notebook, 10 things i hate about you, pirates of the carribean ...
i love the show sex in the city... if u hate it, watch it again, it will grow on u... it's a strange phenomenon. haha.
my alltime favorite book: stargirl by jerry spinelli... second only to the word of the Lord
of course my savior Jesus Christ, I LOVE HIM.