M&M VP Mahmuda profile picture

M&M VP Mahmuda

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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I'd like to meet:

. .. aLL i wanT iS a REAL riDe oR diE niGGa....gOtta LOVE, OBSESS, DREAM,SLEEP & SHIT fOOTbaLL....mUst haVe an AWESOME pErsONaliTy....cRy wIt mE, cUrse a biTCh oUt wiT mE....aNd jUst kNow wiTHoUt a shAdOw oF a dOubt thAT iF hE gEt rUn uP oN iMa geT dOwn & dIRty wiT hiM...................BUT....im not looking as of yet so PLEASE DONT try 2 holla at me !!!!!!


tHis iS mY nEpHEw....i lOve hiM sOOO mUch...hE iS mY ONLY pRinCe chARming!!!!!!mY bESt fRieNd ShaWn FinE...... hE wiLL be oN dA stReeTs 11/07/2017.... lAdiEs gEt rEAdy!!!!!!!mY bEsT fRIenD , bUsiNess pARtneR,..RIGHT haNd Bitch , paRTner iN cRimE...ONLY REAL riDe oR diE fEmalE....wEll u gEt iT !!!!!