About Me
!RONIC- ..Rooted from tHE wORD irony- most commonly understood as an aesthetic valuation by an audience, which relies on a sharp dicordance between the real and the ideal, which is variously applied to speech, events, acts , and even fashion...All the different senses of IRONY basically revolve around the percieved notion of an incongruity, or a gap, between an understanding of reality, or expectation of reality, and what actually happens or is....ThIs DeScRibEs My GoAL iN whAt Im trYiNg tO aCHiEvE WiTh my muSIc - im here 2 paint my picture - & dAtZ JUSt My NaME... ..
!ronic - Aka Mr mUyArGi - tHe fInEr rhYmEr, was Raised in the Streatnarm district, sOuTh wEsT of lOnDOn, EnGlAnD, pArEnTaGe Guyanese... FrOm a yOuNg aGe, !RoNiC hAs AlWAyS bEeN Surrounded by music, aNd FANs of mUsIc, brought up in a household WhIcH wAS musicALly DoMinATeD, IT WoUlDnT TaKe lOnG foR THe ARt fORm 2 LanD In tO tHe Lap of I. My pAps WAs a dJ, mY BruDdAh Is A Dj, He uSe tO rAp 2 , mY uNcLeS , alL tHsEs iNfLuNcEs DeFiNeLy HeLp mOuLd Me As An ArTiSt, And eXpAnDeD My aPpReCiAtIOn 4 mUsIc On A WhOlE.... !ronIc StArTeD HiS CaREeR As aN mC OvA dRuM bAse BeTweEN 95 aNd 98, BuT ThEn QUiCkLY eVOLVeD In tO tHE mUsiC He SayS hE FeEls MoSt At hOmE MaKiNg - My hEaRt HaS ALwAyz Been In Rap, beeN A faN fRoM ThE geT gO , uSe tO LoVe ThE SoUnD, aN ReLatE tO ThE VoCaL, i gOt a mElOdIc sOuL..... In EArLy 2 ThOUsand, mR MuYaRgI JoIneD FoRcEs wItH gIzLA To CrEaTE NUTTY NRG - bOtH WItH a dYnAmIc SouNd , ANd a cOmMoN vIsioN, tHeY bOtH nOw SeT 2 takE tHe WoRlD bY sTroM wIth ThEre CrEATiVe , InOvAtIvE , rEaL , HiP hOP mUsIc... iM LiKe siMoN coWell out Here WeN It cUmS 2 Dis MuSic maN, I dOnT FeEl 2 mANy, bUt im My Own wOrSe CrItiC, WHiCh I THInK gIvEs me AN AdVaNtAGe - I kNo WaT sOuNdS HoT , I DoNt CaRe WaT yA sAy......LOL....The tWO HaVE BiN DOiNg LiVe pEfRoMnAcEs arOuNd eNgLaNd, FrOM THE pUbs tO ThE ClUbS, FrOm tHE RoAdS tO tHe ShOwS. BUt 20o6 hAs bEeN A ProDuCtiVe yEaR 4 tHe 2.... NoW CrEATiNg a iNdUStRy bUzZ, theRe UnIqUe sOuNd , aNd kIlLEr STAgE ShOw Is nOW iN DEManD- cOnStAnTLy RIsiNG, anD upInG THE GeAr, the tWo ArE DeStINed FOR BiG ThInGs !!! ReCeNtLy sUPPoRtiNg gHoStFaCe KILlaH (WUtANg), T- pAIn, dEaD prEz, R& b SiNgEr jOe, NuTtY NrG R NoW BuMbPiMg HeAdS wITH THE So cAlLEd toP oF ThE rAnK aRtIstS ANd InDuStRy InSidErS, BuT tHeRe MaIn foCuS iS oN tHe uK.......wE WaNa dO ThIs 4 tHe PeOpLE, I KnO THeY HuNgRy FoR SumThInG FresH..... 2007 wiLL DefIneTly b The YeAr, im gOiN HArD aT iT. I KnO nOw wAt Its gOnA tAKe 4 mE To MakE tHe ImPaCT i wAnT , aND dESErVe, We KnO waT wE goTa dO.... iM MoRe HunGrY Than IvE eVa beEn, mY StLYe anD SoUNd iN gEnERaL ENhAnCeS eVeRyTyM i WrItE, dEy CaNt DeNiE wAt Im abOuT 2 do mAIn , 4 Real ReAl...... !RoNiC's MiXtApe - CrEaM cOlLaR pOPPiN - sOlD oVa 2000 In ThE fiRsT MoNtH- DiD i AdD thaT wAs ALl DuN bYsElF....lol.....YeHHH U cAn CaTcH mE IN ThE souTh wEsT, Wiv mY pEoPLes, doIn My SaLeSmAN tHiNg, We GoTa geT diS OuT THeRE, wHaT eVeR It TaKeS... .... U SeE mE, CuM gEt A coPY pEOPlE.... OtHeRwIsE NuTtYfacTORy.com iS WhEre u NeEd 2 be......
mR !ronic, WiD DaRtZ MoRe mOrE ToXIc tHe PoLoNiUm 210, Only the strong prevail!. "I bring to this game heartfelt music, awareness, Knowledge for the knowledgless, FeEl GOOd, ReAl hIp hOp MuSIc, StR8 venom, tru Darts, This aint rap- this is fine art........at its best!!!..... i listen to so much its hard to pin point, but anything dat gets my ear ill jam to.. alL mY bRuDdAhS DoIn DiS MuSiC tInG kEeP mE On My tOeS - ReAl TALenTed mOvEmENt, GiZla, suGa d, bIgSon, AbZ ArMI, wEaThErMan , GrEsSAH 9 , pHaROah,JaH MiRkLe, AmEn nOiR, aLl mY PeoPLEs, I LuV WaT dEy bRiNg tO tHe TAbLe......fAn OF tHe WeStcoAsT so- 2 PaC, E40, dJ quIk, DoGGpOuNd, SuGa fReE, mAuSbErG, gOODiE MoBb, OuTkAsT,sNOoP,cROokeD i , tEcH 9..EaSt - BIg, mObB DeEp, BoNe tHuGS, nAz, common, kanye west, pharrel, jayz, freewayAZ, BEANIE, jUeLzSaNtAnA, JeEZy, deres 2 many 2 mention.....................................................