Marc Madness profile picture

Marc Madness

Ron Paul '08

About Me

I do TV stuff for a living, I'm a self-described modern day revolutionary, and self-appointed savior of the world. And not at all delusional. I don't trust people who don't watch South Park or Family Guy. I someday want to be President of Switzerland. Oh and I love corn nuts. I mean corn and nuts together...that's fucking genious. Also, I'm awesome.

My Interests

Kickball, poker, Yankee baseball, loungy afternoons at the Sports Harbour, Buffalo Bills and Nittany Lion Football, stand-up comedy, John Madden's enormous head, spouting the virtues of Ron Paul, and just generally being awesome.

I'd like to meet:

People that aren't fake ass bitches. Cuz I've seriously had enough of 'em. And of course, Ron Paul. Oh, and Bill O'Reilly too, so I can make fun of him for this:


TBONE AND THE BONERZ, Stephen Malkmus, Pavement, Pink Floyd, Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Zeppelin, Johnny Cash, Depeche Mode, anything and everything remotely cheesy from the '80's (esp. Toto, Tears for Fears, Men at Work, and anything from the Karate Kid soundtrack!), The Mars Volta, Gorillaz, Handsome Boy Modelling School, The Bravery, Killers, Strokes, She Wants Revenge, and I'll even keep it real with some Dre and 'Pac, and of course the immortal Morris Day and the muthafuckin' TIME!


Waking Life Evil Dead 1 and 2, & Army of Darkness (thanks, Becca)Kubrick films, Anchorman, Dirty Work, Wedding Crashers, Old School, Elf, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Where the Buffalo Roam,Pulp Fiction, Kill Bills, Requiem for a Dream, Bring it On, Garden State, Zoolander, Super Troopers, Batman, Batman Begins, Napoleon Dynamite, Blow, Caddyshack, National Lampoon's Vacation movies, I could go on but really I like it all.


Family Guy, Sopranos, Entourage, Seinfeld, Scrubs, The Office, Arrested Development, The Shield, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Space Ghost, Brak, South Park, Drawn Together, Weeds, Chappelle's Show, Daily Show, Colbert Report, Real Time with Bill Maher, Keith Olbermann and Lou Dobbs.


Hunter S. Thompson, George Orwell, Aldous Huxley.


Ron Paul, Hunter S. Thompson. Thomas Paine. Lysander Spooner. And of course, the Greatest Athlete of All Time, AC Slater.

My Blog

Get Me OUTTA Here (aka Everybody is Lame)

I want -- no, scratch that -- need to get the fuck outta this country. Not for legal reasons (as of yet), but personal and sanity related ones. Aka I need a fucking vacation. I have the time, the mone...
Posted by Marc Madness on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 12:04:00 PST

4 Films That Will Change Your World View

Obviously I don't expect anyone to sit here and watch 4 documentaries on my myspace blog, but here's some films everybody should watch. So tuck em away for a rainy day.  America: Freedom to Fasci...
Posted by Marc Madness on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 02:57:00 PST

VOTE VOTE VOTE...for ’change’?

...and vote for change if at all possible. Of couse in CA if youre not registered Republican, unfortunately you don't have the opportunity to do that. Many of you will vote for the 'change' candidate...
Posted by Marc Madness on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 11:51:00 PST


'NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION'Wasn't that one of the reasons for the American Revolution? If you are one of those people that don't vote that is exactly ...
Posted by Marc Madness on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 03:46:00 PST


I ask myself questions constantly.Why do I do the things I do?Why do I act the way I act?Why do people believe the bullshit that is constantly fed to them?Why do I believe the bullshit that is fed to ...
Posted by Marc Madness on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 01:03:00 PST

The Winds of change

Can you feel 'em? I can. It's time for a change and I can't think of a better way than quitting my job for the great unknown. So here I go. Wish me luck. To me life is about a lot of things but it's n...
Posted by Marc Madness on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 12:29:00 PST

The Turning Point

There's a point everyone has to reach in their life, a point where you have to stop being afraid of anything, any result, any event that may or may not unfold. There's bad shit everywhere, all around ...
Posted by Marc Madness on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 12:22:00 PST

Random Thoughts

This is a bulletin, a blog, everything. Yup. And in the interest of time I'll get right to it... - Yup, sobriety. Not forever, just for a month (or somewhere thereabouts). But when you drink every ni...
Posted by Marc Madness on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 07:10:00 PST


How do you figure people out? How do you decide who to trust? How can you possibly predict who will stab you in the back, when you least expect it? The answer may very well be that you can't. But alwa...
Posted by Marc Madness on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 10:47:00 PST

So Fuck It, Right?

Sometimes the hurt comes where and when you least expect it to come. But sometimes you gotta slap yourself in the face with a slab of raw meat and just say 'fuck it'. So fuck it. Boys will be boys, af...
Posted by Marc Madness on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 10:36:00 PST