Straight up list, yo. Music, politics, Dada, drama, nature, the other side of things, international issues, writing, my nails(I'm always biting them, so I must be interested). Skateboarding, guys, girls, people in general, forensics! numerology and astrology, religion,, Mr. W, Model UN...
Ummm...Daw Ang Sung Suu Kyi, Philippa Schuyler, Che Guevara, MLK, AFI and U2. Oh, and Aristotle, my
"soulmate(s)" among others. ha!
Your Scholastic Strength Is Deep Thinking
You aren't afraid to delve head first into a difficult subject, with mastery as your goal.
You are talented at adapting, motivating others, managing resources, and analyzing risk.
You should major in:
Foreign language
What Should You Major In?
..Which AFI song are you?
The Lost Souls
This song gives a strong feeling of emotion, whether it be desire or completion, mostly about a boyfriend or girlfriend. It fits you cause it seems like you have a lot of potential to love and be loved.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
ALWAYS Number One: U2!!!! And a CLOSE second: AFI!!!! ALL CAPITALS!!! The Clash, Jay-Z, Panic! At the DISCO, Talib Kweli, Tupac, Biggie, The Sex Pistols MCR(but I don't know about all that black parade stuff) The Used, Motion City Soundtrack, Avenged Sevenfold, Flyleaf, Evanesceance, Blink 182, The Transplants, Angels and Airwaves, Lauryn Hill, Mary J., T.I., Shakira, The Ramones,Fort Minor, Sean Paul, Green Day, Rise Against, Unwritten Law, James Blunt, Fall Out Boy! Gym Class Heroes, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Ludacris, Fabolous, Justin Timberlake, Franz Ferdinand, Seal, Gretchen Wilson, Nora Jones, JET, Tiger Army, Coldplay, Joan Jett, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, all the oldies my mother ever played on the weekends, Kanye, Aaliyah, the 90's R&B girl groups, the list goes on and last but not least, Elika! Wheeeeeeeee and all that good shit=D
The Pianist, American History X, Chicago, Colors, A Bronx Tale, Do the Right Thing, Maria Full of Grace, Spiderman, Shrek, Harry Potter, To Sir, With Love, Full Metal Jacket, Good Morning Vietnam, Jack, The Motorcycle Diaries, The Harry Potter series, Shall We Dance, Twelve Angry Men, Napoleon Dynamite, 8 Mile, Citizen Kane, Gone With the Wind, The Sandlot, Don't Be A Menace, The Notebook, Mean Girls, Coffy, Brown Sugar, Forrest Gump, Imitation of
Life, Vertigo, Holes, a bunch of other stuff, too..
You Are a Retrospective Soul
The most misunderstood of all the soul signs.
Sometimes you even have difficulty seeing yourself as who you are.
You are intense and desire perfection in every facet of your life.
You're best described as extremely idealistic, hardworking, and a survivor.
Great moments of insight and sensitivity come to you easily.
But if you aren't careful, you'll ignore these moments and repeat past mistakes.
For you, it is difficult to seperate the past from the present.
You will suceed once you overcome the disappoinments in life.
Souls you are most compatible with: Traveler Soul and Prophet Soul
What Kind of Soul Are You?
The Simpsons, Family Guy, Degrassi, Seinfeld, King of Queens, Lingo, SURS, CSI(execpt NY..shame) Titus, That 70's Show, ANTM, Best Week Ever. Futurama, American Dad, Grounded for Life, House, Law and Order SVU, Grey's Anatomy, all the classic Nickelodeon shows, Mind of Mencia, Chappelle's show(stop playing Dave, come back from Africa!!), Project Runway, Flavor of Love, The Surreal Life, OZ...vvvvvvv For now or naught, it's you want... For now or naught, it's you want... v
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Don't ask me this Question!!! I wrote a novel this summer, and every time I met a new editor/author/publisher, they all asked this question!! But I guess anything by Daniel Ehrenhaft(love ya, dan) Roddy Doyle, Nick Hornby, J.K Rowling, Johnathan Lethem, Libba Bray, Johnathan Safran Foer, James Joyce. Reading Dante's Inferno, just read Hip Hop High School, Motherless Brooklyn, Drawing a Blank, Dada: The Romanians of the Cabaret Voltaire, a ton of chick-lit-GOOD chick-lit-- there is such a thing. Oh, and btw: ANYTHING by Dylan S., Samantha L., Will L., Julia, Kesi Matt, Olga, Carolyn (that girl kicks ass!), Casey, Jackie, Natalia... the entire YAWC 05-06!! Look out for my novel, Sam I Am- a lot of people have been asking about it and I SWEAR that I'm putting the chapters in order to give to you very soon!! Okay, well, not quite this second...but so-on!
Your Life Path Number is 9
Your purpose in life is to make the world better
You are very socially conscious and a total idealist.
You think there are many things wrong with the world, and you want to fix them.
You have a big idea of how to world could be, and you'll sacrifice almost anything to work towards this dream.
In love, you can easily see the beauty in someone else. And you never cling too tightly.
You are capable of great love, but it's hard for you to focus your love on one person or relationship.
You have a lot of outward focus, and you tend to blame the world for your failures.
You are often disappointed by the realities of life - it's hard for you to accept the shortcomings of the world.
What Is Your Life Path Number? v:
Music, my grandmother, Taurean, MLK, Philippa Schuyler, the aforementioned Ms. Kyi, Bono(
You Are From Neptune
You are dreamy and mystical, with a natural psychic ability.
You love music, poetry, dance, and (most of all) the open sea.
Your soul is filled with possibilities, and your heart overflows with compassion.
You can be in a room full of friendly people and feel all alone.
If you don't get carried away with one idea, your spiritual nature will see you through anything.
What Planet Are You From? You Are a Phoenix
Driven and ambitious, you tend to acquire material success easily.
You have grand schemes - both for your own life and for changing the whole world.
You are a great leader, and you have no problem taking the reigns.
However, you aren't all business. You also have great talents for performing and visual arts.
What Mythological Creature Are You? div align="center