I like chemicals, music, jamming with my roommates, climbing trees with Maxwell (Brian), smoking pot, doing homework, getting wasted, meal plans, squirrels and photography and Love at first sight.
Any cool folks like hippies, heads, scientists (both sane and mad). But I mainly want to meet girls who are in love with me. I'd like to meet John Lennon, but he's dead.
the beatles, kalidescope, cream, donnovan, CSNY, bob dylan, zepplin, floyd, hendrix, iggy pop, love, country joe and the fish, Brian Maxwell, Mark Vance Presents: Jamtastic, Built to Spill, franz ferdinand, cake
Yellow Submarine, Micro Cosmos, the Tripletts of Belville, Spiderman, X-men, Team America: World Police, the Big Lebowski, Fear and Loathing in LV
Simpsons, Family Guy, Furturama, Survivor, 24
Stephen King's Dark Tower series, electric koolaide acid test, catch-22, field guide to squirrels, Physical Chemistry, Advanced Organic Chemistry, Jitterbug Perfume and other Tom Robbins books, American God's
my roommate, Jerry Garcia (more like Maxwells hero I think he's a burnt out hippie), Lennon and McCartney, Helmholtz, Avagadro, Dr. Julius Summner, Donovan