Most Wonderful Time of the Year profile picture

Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Sanity calms, but madness is more interesting.

About Me

Broken thread of memories straight jacketed and imprisoned. It drives me mad-- ME--cold and blue in this time and space. Unbroken, by these threads of memories. They tell me something about the here and now, about the lose of vivid loves and the life I lose when I force myself to go on living in these threaded memories.Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.Hello world nice to meet you, my name is Shannon. I am the wife of 1 phenomenal man and the mother of 2 sensational kids. Life started out fast for my husband & I. We were handed everything most ppl acquire in a matter of 10 years 1; kids, house, bills, jobs, stress, money issues all in 1 shot not 1 moment to takea breath or even enjoy being kids ourselves. At 20 & 21 odds so far against us & with no time to prepare ourselves...we survived and did the impossible!!! We survived every obstacle thrown our way. Now this is my life; free time unseen & I am committed to these 3 ppl & I LOVE IT...What goes on in their lives is the most important thing in mine. My life is full of school work, (the kids that is) science, drums, guitar, poetry, history, music, books, a million friends, & video games galore, driving here & there and experimenting in cooking and baking this and that. All 3 of them keep me very busy. My husband plays the guitar & has since I have been with him ...he's been in & out of bands for some time now. There have been times i have enjoyed all that goes on & other times ITS TO MUCH DRAMA!!!! .... He's currently working on a project Called "Beyond Existence" with an array of good people and musicians. They get together every Friday for the time being, but I'm looking forward to watching them grow as a unit, and continuing with more practice time. The music is really coming together nicely. Even though with all this going on we have developed a calmer family life now & my husband & I are getting to know eachother again. We are spending allot more time with eachother now that the kids are a little older & the party life has died down for the time. My son is learning 2 instruments the percussion & bells he practices every night, usually what he likes to play, which is all experimental jams sessions (they sound good...mothers ears) with him running out to me after a few minutes asking...."what do u think ma...did that sound good," this is usually for the 1st 30 minutes then its always reminder to him (im the bad guy)...."u gotta play your lessons", so after his uggghhhhh's & grrrrr's...hes out playing his lessons. He has a great music teacher who is full of enthusiasm & drive, my son really enjoys his lessons. He has a natural talent & he's been playing since he was 2 & now hes on his 2nd year of lesson, almost completed both books (drums & bells) He's played in 2 school concerts & is working on his 3rd, & he's part of the 5th grade jazz band which he had to try out for, & was excepted...he's already singled out his house for the Jazz Band hang out & jam sessions place, I guess instead of beer its milk & cookies for this croud. It's fun for him & he's growing confidence. My daughter is a strong willed & strong focused young woman. She's part of a youth group and has countless friends. My home phone is not mine anymore. She digs Reading, writing & Anime drawings. She carries a pen, pencil & a note book with her always. Theres always something to write or draw where ever she is. Theres poems, stories & scattered artwork all over her room, living room area & my home. She has such an awesome imagination, for spooky Saturday night tales, her story telling will just pull ya in. She has a great imagination for everything in here life. She's written a poem that has been published in "Anthology of Poetry by Young Americans" 2005. I bought 5 books. :-) She's into Anime & loves to draw anything to do with it. She develops backgrounds & characters to go with each of her pieces. But, for as much as, I push them to strive for goals & to be focused on the big picture, I also want them to have fun & down time. I believe life is full of stress & pressure, so when there are moments to calm the soul...TAKE IT! My kids and, my husband are huge PC & video gamers. (I can't play shit) My huband matches a few nights a week with a clan he belongs too & its so much fun to hear what goes on in these matches & getting to know the other ppl behind the screen. I am in shock with these video games & how they have come so far with the graphics and type of games systems that are available these days. I love the technology. Well basically that is the run down of my life. :-) Its pretty busy!
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If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all.

My Interests

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Get A Cool New Layout..I'm a hot & cold controversial political enthusiast, but due to the draining stability it has on my mental state, I have to take breaks from it now & then. I realized something hitting my 30's; I finally figured it out: I can't change the world only myself & the few things I have control of. I love NPR (National Public Radio) I'm a huge fan of Fresh Air with Terry Gross, All Things Considered and Democracy Now with Amy Goodman.
I love to bake & I would love to make bigger, better meals, but damn i'm so tired after work. I love playing cards, I'll give ya a run for your money with a good game of Rummy 500. Monopoly & Uno are other faves of mine so is speedy...thanks to Monica! I have 8 cats, I'd say I'm a true cat lover. This year is my 1st year I started to really watch football, & Nascar & I like the bettin' the I enjoy working out which = stress release & taking walks which = therapeutic.

I'd like to meet:

i'D lIkE tO mEeT...mY hErO!What a pal
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MUSIC ~ it's a passion I feel... The emotion of music can tell all of life. I love most all of it for all different reasons. It fills the void of voice within me when I can't speak. It helps me understand myself and all around me when I'm at my wits end. Through the lyrics I learn life...& when all is well I dance and party my ass off to it!! :-) It's been there since I was small and will be there when I die!




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My Blog

The Drive of Youth

Korryn, has joined the debat team, and also the 8th grade school council.  She will be making decisions, decisions, decisions.  She's thinking of becoming a lawyer.  She loves defending...
Posted by Shannon on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 11:39:00 PST


Worried, Frustrated and it's all outta my control!!!! Somebody help me!!!Sixth grade is here and it's oh so difficult for Alex .  I suppose it's a boy thing.  Korryn took to the change witho...
Posted by Shannon on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 02:37:00 PST

It's official ~ updated

As an 8th grader Korryn has joined the 8th grade Honor Society and has to write two essays which she's dreading .  The pay off is a trip to New York to a Theather to see a show.  I'm not su...
Posted by Shannon on Tue, 16 May 2006 01:40:00 PST

"Let me get my damn foot in the door before you start talking!"

WoW The beginning of a new school year always is a distressing beginning.  So much to do all a once.   So much to keep up with on a daily basis. Within myself,  as homemaker (is that te...
Posted by Shannon on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 07:36:00 PST

Korryn enters a poetry contest

Korryn enters a poetry contest sponsored by Christian Poets Guild.The poem is as follow written when she was 11 in 2004.My Father, Carry MeIn the morning he is the first one I think ofIn the morning h...
Posted by Shannon on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 10:10:00 PST


I love Saturdays.  They are the best day outta the week.  I can spend time with my family and sometimes not spend any time with them at all.  LOL...but I dont mind that.  I love th...
Posted by Shannon on Sat, 03 Jun 2006 01:21:00 PST


Nate & I will be married for 13 years this May 29th. We have now been a couple for 15 years. Its been a pretty cool 15 years too. They were at 1st full of bickering, questioning, word wars, showdo...
Posted by Shannon on Thu, 25 May 2006 05:20:00 PST


Well, since March, Alex has performed in 3 Jazz programs and 3 elementary band presentation in South Jersey.  He was nominated along with 1 other 5th grader in his school as elementary  "All...
Posted by Shannon on Sat, 06 May 2006 07:28:00 PST

All In the Day and Life of Lestat

A Survey for Pets! What type of pet are you? Cat What is your name? Lestat What other nicknames do you have? no, I'm just Lestat What is your favorite treat? the dishwasher What would your o...
Posted by Shannon on Sat, 21 Jan 2006 10:40:00 PST

Thoughts from Walnut

A Survey for Pets! What type of pet are you? Cat What is your name? Walnut What other nicknames do you have? Wallnie, Fattso, Fatty, "The Great Orange One"  What is your favorite tr...
Posted by Shannon on Sat, 21 Jan 2006 08:32:00 PST