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If your talking business, hit me on my other page, www.myspace.com/tfran14!!! When U look @ my comme

About Me

I'm a Model/Hypeman/Song writter/Rapper/Hip-Hop Dancer/Actor/ All around entertainer hince the name ~TalenTeD~ Here's a lil' more about me to help U all out with my test!!! The outline on my page is my fav. color!!! Gotta have that PS2!!! Put some Texas Pete on it.Uuummm!!!! A the number between 13 and 15!!! Methodist College Monarchs, aided in makin' me who I am 2day!!! Luv my Bro and sisters, (Jamal, Sheila, Lesi, and Tica), luv tha nieces and nephew,(TaAliyah,Niasja, and Ta'Jai)!!! Hey Adriane, thought U where the one, Luv U anyway!!! What U know about that C/O 03!!! I'm number 1 on my test, who knows me better than me, only one person, God!!!click here
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The Bible, Make It Happen, by Kevin Lyles
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My Great-Grandma, Grandma, Mom, Sisters, and Donnie McClurkin!!!

My Blog

"One More"

Seems like no love for me, just something nice to see, Everyone claims me to be what every woman wants, yrt no one wants me!!! All this love packed in a decent shell, Why does this love feel like H3ll...
Posted by Teddy aka ~TalenTeD~ on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 11:24:00 PST


I'm tired of the lines, so tired of running game, I want that one Dream girl who'll accpet my last name!!! I wanna know what's it like to be truely IN LOVE, Is it the joy of a short stop winning ...
Posted by Teddy aka ~TalenTeD~ on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 01:43:00 PST

Chatting with God!!!

Dear God, I know I haven't been the man I claimed to be, it seems I've fallin' off and forgotten the reason I'm really here! I'm doin' what's in your will and tryin to eat my cake too! It's a fight wi...
Posted by Teddy aka ~TalenTeD~ on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 01:10:00 PST

"In Love" written summer of 04'

  "My heart has a beat even when I'm not. I hold UR love tight, but not so that it'll stop.   I take you for more than just a partner, mate, and a friend. You are my heart, my soul, my pa...
Posted by Teddy aka ~TalenTeD~ on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 01:17:00 PST

" just Because"

When UR cryin out with eyes that can't see, When UR hurt is torn and U reach up and seem that U can't feel thee! When UR @ the end of UR rope and left for dead, Holdin' on by a stitch swinging by UR l...
Posted by Teddy aka ~TalenTeD~ on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 03:23:00 PST

"To Whom It May Concern!!!"

Not sure if the music will play automatically but, if U want to hear it and it doesn't scroll down and press play be4 reading this!!! Mad Luv!!!   Dear Love, I want U 2 Know that it's U I'm alway...
Posted by Teddy aka ~TalenTeD~ on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 04:55:00 PST

"Making of Love" written by a good friend Ms. Sarah

some people may say weve been given a second chance through his change and transformation i had no other choice but to take another glance i see a new man ,one who is honest and has no problem admiti...
Posted by Teddy aka ~TalenTeD~ on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 12:59:00 PST

"Explosion" pt 3 of S and M!!!

Now that where all  hot and bothered, let's get on with tha grinds, Ooohhh yea, Mista Nasty....... Time!!!!! I climb on top of U and whisper in UR ear, "Will U do the honors," and U gladly remove...
Posted by Teddy aka ~TalenTeD~ on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 01:01:00 PST

"Motivation" part 2 of "Stimulation"

Now, we're all warmed up, I'm ready for this display, To show apprecitation, what's makin' luv without sum 4play!!! Not gonna jump in and just start strokin', U can call me Young Dro', becuz I'm tha b...
Posted by Teddy aka ~TalenTeD~ on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 11:32:00 PST


I got all the right slow jams playin, The Mood is right, UR thinkin exactly what I'm thinkin! We  start with a lil' tease, dancin' and grindin' on each other, Step by Step, one move leads to anot...
Posted by Teddy aka ~TalenTeD~ on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 03:08:00 PST