Oh, you know the usual.....boys, travel and always having a good time! I love a bubble bath, good book, couple candles. Coffee in my sweats at anytime of the day. To cover myself in oil and bake in the sun. Baking and eating half the dough before its cooked(oops I don't think im supposed to admit that one!) I love to laugh so hard that my tummy hurts and face turns red. Being with all my brothers at the same time is the best!(I'm the only girl so I like to be the princess!) I love camping, getting dirty and not showering for days!(when I get home though, I want nothing more than a looong shower!) I just love life....riding the rollar coaster up and down. Enjoying the ups and learning from the downs!
Pictures ..
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
Depends whether I'm working, playing, driving or whatever I may be doing! I love everything..rap..country..even bagpipes
Mermaids, Fried Green Tomatoes and newest favorite.....The Notebook
I watch what ever is on when I press power on the remote control. I basically could careless if tv was ever invented!
Any girly books about dating, love and sex! I've read them all or am about to read them!
My entire family! All the experiences I've been through have made me who I am. I love my family so much, and learn from everyone of their experiences and mistakes.