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I am here for Networking

About Me

opionionated, friendly, high strung, "nice guy"..that and more. when i'm awake i don't want to go to sleep, when i'm asleep i don't want to wake up. taking things for granted isn't an option but easy to do. holding on to things i shouldn't and letting go of things i don't want to lose. learning from mistakes then making them again.

My Interests

I have been saying for at least a year that our leaders are selected through bloodline and the occult. Out of the millions and millions of Americans in this "free country". Why are the presidents all related and their bloodlines all go back to europeon royalty and before that egypt? This is why the Queen stays at the White House like grandma coming to visit for the weekend. The Elite or "royal bluebloods" actually believe they are above the human race. This is why for centuries they interbreed and marry within eachothers family. OBAMA, CHENEY, BRAD PITT, and MORE ALL RELATEDWalked outside friday morning to see chem trails all over the sky. They wait til the weekend and the nicest day when people are out and about. Its already de-classified that they sprayed biological chemicals over the population of sanfransico during the seventies. I know because a friend did a college report on it.

Heres even a mainstream news clip out many. Scientists found high levels of Barium (which is a metal compound toxin like the ones in vaccines that cause children to be autistic).

(The apron distinguishes the level of "enlightenment" between Masons. Note:the necklace with pyramid and all seeing eye((sun)). (666 symbolism on a bumper sticker) (Masons supply SE) While downtown with a friend we happened to notice that built into the design of the Mult. County Sheriffs Office HQ are Nazi Swatsticas. (if you look closely you can see the design is just swatzticas repeating) This statue seems a little i don't know "imbalanced" to be on a school for little girls. It has a real dark feel to it. The Bank of America logo has alot of hidden/Masonic symbolism. Notice the symbol is made up of 3 11's. 11+11+11=33 there are 33 official degrees of "enlightenment" in Freemasonry. Also the fact that it's a tilted or "oblong" square on it's point represents chaos. The sayings "square head on his shoulders" or "three square meals a day" or "fair and squre" are sayings that have a more rooted meaning. People in the occult (occult just means to keep hidden) communicate through symbols and sayings that we "sheep" don't understand.(at least thats what they want) A normal square thats not tilted represents order and balance. The elite operate by the code "ordo ab chao" which translated from latin means Order out of Chaos. (using events like 911, birdflu, fluoride, etc. to keep us scared and in "order"). PICS I'VE TAKEN OF MASONIC/HIDDEN SYMBOLISM My great great grandfather Jessee S. Hayes was a 33rd degree Mason of the Scottish Rite. although i was already intrieged with secret societies and the study of manipulation of human kind. The most powerful group which operates and controls through secret societies, organized religions, media moguls, CIA, etc. is the Illuminati (calling themselves because they are the true "enlightened" ones or illuminated with estoric knowledge). the real reason behind the mass murder of the salem witches and native americans was to destroy estoric knowledge and natural ways of healing so the selfish elite can profit and use it themselves while condeming it as "evil". Took these pics off the hwy tucked behind a church, 90% of lodges in america are "blue" lodges for the first 3 degrees of free-masonry, and is distinguished by a blue apron worn by masons up until the 3rd degree which is "mastermason". The sqaure and compass represent sexual reproduction and ancient knowledge of geometry(hints the G in the middle). Estoric knowlege of mathamatics and architecture dating back to the building of the pyramids and before that Atlantis has been passed down through secret societies and mystery schools. The Reverse seal on the dollar bill was designed by freemasons/illuminati and is riddiled with hidden symbolism. If you look at the All Seeing Eye you can see its represented by the Sun(Horus or Ra in egyptian times). Most religions are recycled versions of Sunworship, Hints why church is on SUN-day. The ruling elite are obsessed with witholding knowledge from the masses and keeping us dulled down with tv,subliminal messages,sex,violence,etc. Nuvus Ordo Seclorum on the reverse seal of the dollar bill translates to New World Order. So what is the New World Order. Well people have known about talked about it for years mostly behind closed doors, it was officially made public on sept. 11, 1991 by none other than freemason and high level illuminati george bush(also skull and bonesman in which his nickname was Magog which means satan's war leader). Heres a speech given where Father Bush says we need a New World Order. .. Another tool or method used by the Elite is a three step program called PROBLEM, REACTION, SOLUTION. First they create a PROBLEM(911,bird flu,hiv,etc.) Than comes a REACTION from the public, in which a pre-planned SOLUTION that they had from the start is introduced.(Patriot Act,War,Higher taxes,etc.) Elites have been doing this for years. People are finding out there is no difference between Republican and Democrat. Its all a horse and pony show like WWF to keep the public busy and real agenda hidden. Goes back to the saying "give them bread and circus". Jon Kerry and Boy Bush are both skull and bones members and are related by blood just as 85% of our presidents. And those bloodlines go back to europeon royalty. The elite are obsessed with keeping the same bloodlines in power.(one reason why royalty has and still does interbreed immensley). Heres both Kerry and Bush being asked about connection with skull and bones. (note: with the hexagram or reverse pentagram added it spells mason)

I'd like to meet:

The Horned Hand or "Cornuto" represents the "Devil", "Satan", The Goat (the Baphomet) It is a sign of recognition between those that are in the occult. It is also used at heavy metal and rock concerts to affirm their allegiance to the music's message and the band members. Ref It is similar to the sign for I Love you, but Helen Keller, who developed sign language, was into Theosophy.(secret society)


I like various types of music that have a message and or meaning.


The greatest Hypnotist in the World is a tiny box in the corner of your living room.