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About Me

"The checkout guy hates his job. Or at least he would if he allowed himself to feel in his body the slipping away of his own precious lifetime. Perhaps, though, it's more accurate to say 'his own no-longer-precious lifetime,' since if it were really precious he would not -could not- sell it so cheaply, nor even sell it for money at all. But he has been trained to never think of that, and especially to never feel it. If he thought of that -if he felt himself spending the majority of his life doing things he did not want to do -how would he than act? Who would he then be? What would he then do? How would he survive in this awful, unsurvivable system we call civilization? How, too, would we all respond if we fully awoke to the effects of the drip, drip, drip of hour after hour, day after day, year after year sold to jobs we do not love (jobs that are probably destroying our landbase to boot)..." -Derrick Jensen

My Interests


"He told me not to bring him flowers, but I often brought flowers with me, lately cabbage roses. He seemed pained to receive them and did not really look at them until they started to decay. He could not wait to get rid of them so he could enjoy remembering them." - Amy Hempel


"And I've heard of creatures that eat their babies; and I wonder if they stop to think about the taste...and I'm a creature, and I'm surviving. And I want to be alone, but I want your body. So when you eat me, mother and baby, oh baby, mother me before you eat me." - Sunset Rubdown


"Once you make up your mind to get rid of something, there's very little you can't discard. No -- not very little. Once you put your mind to it, there's nothing you can't get rid of. And once you start tossing things out, you find yourself wanting to get rid of everything. It's as if you gambled away almost all your money and decided, what the hell, I'll bet what's left. Too much trouble to cling to the rest." - Haruki Murakami


"No separation of church and state? You even have to use the same toothbrush?" Her voice was low but very firm when she spoke. "You buy two blue toothbrushes exactly the same and keep them in a glass so you never know which is which. Yours is mine and mine's yours." - Jonathan Carroll

My Blog


Goodbye India. Goodbye to all the 'friendly' guys.    Goodbye cows walking oblivious through the streets choked with cars. Goodbye kites circling over the slaughter-road. Goodbye beaut...
Posted by Lindsay on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 01:52:00 PST

Walking is NOT allowed in India

The best thing I saw today was either; the monkey laying on it's stomach on the roof of a shop, observing the humanity below; or the dog lying dead in the sun next to a wedding procession.&n...
Posted by Lindsay on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 08:17:00 PST

Day of unripe bananas

Happy Holi.   Holi is a festival held in many states in India.   It's generally a festival to celebrate spring.   People rub different colored powders on each other. &nbs...
Posted by Lindsay on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 10:19:00 PST

Kingfisher Says

I've seen bats eat rats,I've seen owls eat bats,I've seen dogs eat rocks,I've seen cows eat old boxes,I've seen children eat crows,I've seen men eat salted flesh,I've seen women eat dirt,But who eats ...
Posted by Lindsay on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 04:46:00 PST

Wat a time!

Ah, I feel relatively calm for the first time in three days.    My nerves are settled, my insides don't feel like they're devouring themselves.    I am finally, officiall...
Posted by Lindsay on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 02:31:00 PST

Thanks, Tim!

I thought I should post a happier follow-up blog about my here it is!I (well, actually Noah) finally found someone who was cool with doing my tattoo.    He was actually pret...
Posted by Lindsay on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 11:36:00 PST

Ink snobs

    Okay, I don't why I always seem to want to blog when I'm irritated, but here goes.....So I wanted to get a tattoo of this tree that Noah drew on my hip.   I took it to the...
Posted by Lindsay on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 08:22:00 PST

Speeking of carcases......

I guess between the turkeys and the trees, there are people like this guy...... F is wrong with humans??  Seriously, can someone please tell me w...
Posted by Lindsay on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 04:02:00 PST

1800 turkey carcasses

So, it's that time of year in this country where millions upon millions of turkeys are slaughtered for Thanksgiving.   Ha, Thanksgiving, what a joke.   How many of you celebrate this holiday...
Posted by Lindsay on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 08:29:00 PST

I saw a rubber family two days ago...

I was sitting in traffic on the Fremont bridge.   I was singing along to "Shut Up, I'm Dreaming of Places Where Lovers Have Wings".   An old white, kinda beat up, American car with Washingto...
Posted by Lindsay on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 02:26:00 PST