Being appreciative. Libraries. Polish pastries and Poland in general. Microforms. "About The Font" paragraphs. My bike. Gardens and goats. Books, pen-pals & lists. I remain skeptical of addicting television dramas.
Fellow board game enthusiasts. People with puppies. Craig Thompson, for swooning purposes.
Oldham + friends, S. Malkmus, Songs: Ohia, Talking Heads, the Dan etc.
Woody Allen, movies with natural disasters. Flashdance.
Things by: Ian Frazier, Carolyn Forche, Ha Jin, Raymond Carver, Milan Kundera, Julian Barnes. John D'Agata & back issues of the Seneca Review. Graphic novels that are simultaneously lovely and thought-provoking.
Dan Savage & my Brother. Wishing they could be heroic together.