About Me
They call me Meladie. Well let me put it this way: no one usually calls me by my first name. its sometimes the substantial nickname or pet name given. Like for instance, Mel, Muckdee, The Duck, MUCK, Cambodian, Anorexic Girl or Dee. It's how I refer myself in my head, a silent protest or an acknowledgement of reality. at the same time, I’m small for my age, but look older for it, uncomfortable in most situations, near-sighted, skinny, awkward, and nervous. i may not be that perfect girl you'd meet, I’m intimidating, a handful. but whatever. Accept me for who i am. I’m not your ex girlfriend. i may have my schizophrenic moments, theres a long story behind it. i like to tell stories. i have a lot of stories to tell about myself, if you would like to endeavor in that conversation, then ask away. I’m originally from Chicago, Illinois...there's nothing special or ultimate about me. I’m generic. I suppose I’d fit the "Asian" superstitions (smart, strict family) no. nothing. i think. Just talk to me and you have my full attention. I’m an oddball freak to some friends and enjoy hiding my face in books. I play it up. it's all I’ve got going for me, and if someone can manage to leave the impression that her awkwardness arises from some kinda deep or complicated soul, why not go for it!? i admit, most of the time, i walk around feeling like a complete idiot. Lately, I’ve been trying to find myself. I’m a new person everyday. I’m a Pisces.
I am sensitive and instinctual rather than intellectual or mechanical. I lack decisiveness and I’m easily diverted from my purposes. I am apt to live a shiftless sort of life, searching for some career or meaning in which to pour myself. I discourage easily, and can become despondent, feel unappreciated and move on to something or someone else. At times, in my own world, I love to indulge in the mystical, meditative and surreal aspects of life. I have an innate ability to be telepathic, soaking in the emotions of those around me. I'm highly sensitive and can feel the pulse of other people's thoughts and energies. My communication can be subtle, sometimes through music, poetry or dance. I've been keeping a journal, for sometime now. And it's been keeping me stable and on track with my life for a few months. I'll show you sometimes, if we meet. whoever you are. I draw, I write, i photograph--i'm fucking human. I plan to write a book, about the crazy coincidential randomness that has been going on lately. i can tell you my story, and you'll understand who I am and where I'm coming from -- or headed to next. and right now, i plan to become a rich massage therapist and own land all over europe and asia. no doubt about that one. i have high expectations in others and my goals, but i try not to let things get in the way. i have loved, and forgiven, and have taken a punch in the face.
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