No limits here
Deepak Chopra, Che Guevara, Larry David, Michael Jordan, Dave Chapelle, Jon Stewart, Anderson Cooper, Bill Clinton, Brandon Boyd, and Amy Winehouse.
Everything with substance, lots of percussion, deep lyrics, jazzy, hip hop, rock, classical, whatever (as long as it steers clear of the ignorant ghetto rap)
Favorite movie quotes:
"And I can still draw. Nothing had lessened it as much as I had abused it, as much as I had abandoned it. It was a gift, it was still mine...and everything else was less real.
What could it mean? That picture of the world... But it's true, we recognize it in ourselves, in others...we recognize it!
Like love...completely undeserved."
-Great Expectations
"It's like you go to the beach. You go down to the water. It's a little cold. You're not sure you want to go in. There's a pretty girl standing next to you. She doesn't want to go in either. She sees you, and you know that if you just asked her her name, you would leave with her. Forget your life, whoever you came with, and leave the beach with her.
And after that day, you remember. Not every day, every week... she comes back to you. It's the memory of another life you could have had. Today is that girl. "
-Changing Lanes
Discovery HD, CNN, and HBO for the most part. I love Entourage and laughing at Larry David in Curb Your Enthusiasm. I think that we all have a little Larry in us sometimes! :P I love the news but I have to take it in bite size pieces...otherwise, the overwhelming repetitions of popular opinion and propaganda start to annoy and distract me
I love books by Seth Godin, Deepak Chopra, Brandon Boyd, Marcus Buckingham, Neil Strauss, and Neil Howe.
My parents, for the boundless and unselfish energy that they put forth every day to create a solid foundation for my sister and I to build from. One day I will do the same for mine." can't connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them, looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will connect somehow in your future. You have to trust in something...your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever...because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well worn path."-Steve Jobs