The Green Bay Packers, The Milwaukee Brewers, and Bucks. WWE, video games, The Simpsons, South Park, Stand-Up Comedy, 80's Rock and Roll (Pink Floyd! woot!), and basically anything else I decide is entertaining.
Not really anyone in particular. Id like to catch up with some of the people that are on MySpace.
I like ALL music. With a collection of over 200 CDs, your bound to have a wide variety. At anytime in my car, you could be listening to 80's gods Queen, or 90's rappers NWA, or even a little bit of the Dixie Chicks. Id say my all time favorites are Queen, Pink Floyd, Boston, Kid Rock, Eazy-E, Tim McGraw, Styx, and of course The D!
Im big in movies with witty dialog, and lots of interesting characters. Like both Kill Bills, Fight Club, the Matrix Trilogy, and Sin City. For comedies, Borat is the current funniest movie ever. Ill also admit im a sucker for movies like Legally Blonde, and Almost Famous.
I have a few shows that Im huge on. All of Rachel Ray's shows of course. As well as the simpsons naturally. I also like alot of discovery channel shows like Mythbusters, and DIrty jobs. And you can never go wrong with anything on Comedy Central, or VH1's celeb-reality series.
Unlike some, I actually read books! And not comic books either, those dont count as reading. I read alot of Forgotten Realms series books, and Im big into Michael Crichton as an author. Dan Brown is becoming a favorite of mine. Ive read his "DaVinci Code" and Im starting to read another of his books. Although in the comic book world, the Marvel "civil war" has been quite good.
Well thats easy. Jesus of course. Who else did anything bigger than he did? Dying for our sins is alot bigger than someone like Michael Jordan winning 6 NBA titles! (although it's a close call)