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I am here for Friends

About Me

Now that my page is set to private, I can refrain from all the talk of me being a big meany to try to scare off fake friends. Right now I am breaking my back trying to make a living doing what I love, which is art. Some days I want to pull my hair out, others I bask in the awesomeness of working from home.And with that, please feel free to check out my artsy website found at, you can check out my current animation project at:
You are Neo, from "The Matrix." You
display a perfect fusion of heroism and
What Matrix Persona Are You?
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You're Mr. Orange!
Which Reservoir Dog Are You?
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Your Japanese Name Is...
Kenta Sasaki What's your Japanese Name?
You are Napoleon Dyanamite and a buttload of gangs
are trying to recruit you.
Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you?
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.. You scored as Donald Duck. Your alter ego is Donald Duck! Try as you might, you have a nasty temper that is hard to control. But you try hard to please, and you arn't one to go down without a fight.

Donald Duck


Peter Pan


Sleeping Beauty


The Beast








Cruella De Ville




Snow White

Which Disney Character is your Alter Ego?
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.. You scored as Blade. Thats right you are the booty kicking you cross me and I will stomp a mudhole in your butt type. Sexy and a great fighter with mad fighting skills



Deacon Frost

















Whose your Vampire personality? (images)
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Your Jim! You are an all-around good guy. you are funny and sweet. When your co-workers are bored you never fail to entertain them!
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My Interests

I love to draw, particularly funny comic strips involving the misadventures i have endured throughout my life. i love movies, and i guess it could be sad i'm a movie freak. i was a latchkey child so the television was my babysitter. i know some of the most banal, useless television and movie trivia ever. i have an eclectic DVD collection that has gotten me through a few bored nights. i like to read novels, comic books, dirty magazines, the side panels of cereal boxes, and occasionally the National Enquirer while i'm in the Albertson's checkout stand. i love spending time with my wifey (sorry for the letdown ladies, but somehow i doubt you were about to throw me your panties anyway) and just hanging out at home or someplace equally comfortable.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who can take a joke and is able to laugh at other people's misfortune without feeling guilty about it.


I like many types of music and am always on the lookout for new bands. I am a very mood-based listener. If i am just hanging out, whatever is on the radio will suffice. If i'm pissed or in a hurry, usually hard rock is what's on my stereo. When i draw, i choose music depending on what i have to put to paper. if it's some weird, spooky drawing heavy on shadows and dripping with mood, i bring out the TOOL albums. Mostly anything else is either radio or my collection of movie scores (Gladiator, bitches!)


I am a movie fan. I like all genres except crappy romantic comedies (although i do own "Kissing a Fool" simply because it was $5 at Wal-Mart and fuckin' Brody is in it.) i like movies that many people wouldn't even pick up as a free rental at Blockbuster. I have seen "Dark City" a million times and i still can't take my eyes off of it when it's on. I'm probably one of the few people who actually understood The Matrix sequels (it's very heavily steeped in Eastern spiritual theory) I love me some Judd Apatow and I can't wait to catch KNOCKED UP. I'm digging the hell out of HOT FUZZ as well as routinely watching KISS KISS, BANG BANG which is the absolute funniest thing Val Kilmer and Robert Downey Jr. have ever done.


The one show that i must watch every time it is on is Smallville. Yeah, yeah, I know there are some haters out there, but you know what? Every single one of my friends who said they thought the show sucked ass became a devout follower after I let them borrow Season 1 on DVD. Even my hater wifey would talk shit. Well, she went through all five seasons on DVD and then had the nerve to ask me "when does the new season continue?" Hm-mmm.Heroes was okay for about an episode but the finale of Season 1 was a slap in the face to whoever spent all season following it's major rip-off of Alan Moore's The Watchmen.I also am a devout follower of "24." Jack Bauer is the shit, and I enjoy watching him kill everything that moves. I even got close to ordering a WWJBD bracelet for myself.I also enjoy watching "COPS". It is absolutely amazing watching all of these retarded drunked hillbillies frolicking around shirtless screaming at the police. I've stayed up all night watching that shit...My new baby is The Office. Not being a major fan of modern British humor, the show stayed off my radar for quite some time until I took a chance and picked up Season 1. In the span of a week I became caught up in all two previous seasons and I tape new shows as they come on. I LOVE this show.


I read mostly fiction and some military non-fiction. I love the "Bourne Identity" trilogy as well as anything Harry Potter. I started reading the "Ender" series by Orson Scott Gard back when i was in high school, and i am slowly trying to finish them.I also love James Ellroy's LA Quartet (featuring The Black Dhalia, LA Confidential, White Jazz, and The Big Nowhere) because his style really brings the reader deep into the noir setting of the seedy back alleys of Los Angeles.I read comic books when I can and I love everything that Frank Miller puts out. The Dark Knight Returns and Batman: Year One are two of the greatest Batman stories ever told. I am also a devout follower of Warren Ellis and Stuart Immonen's Nextwave. Funniest book on the market. Immonen blew me away with his art on Superman:Secret Identity. Check him out.I'm just finishing up Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Suzanne Clarke and it is a fantastic read. It's a bit slow to start, but the world the author paints is so complete that I really don't want to finish the book just to stay immersed in it.Of course, I love the Harry Potter books. Read the first one almost accidentally back in high school and fell in love with them. I am anxiously awaiting The Deathly Hallows but I'll be sad to leave the universe of Hogwarts.


My hero is my best friend, Benjamin DeHaan. He passed away this summer as the result of a horrible car accident. I know because I was with him. He was the bravest and most noble man I have ever met. He will be with us in spirit forever. I miss you, bro.My Dad, David Garretson, who I lost January 16, 2007. He made me the man I am today and I will spend every day of my life wishing I could just pick up the phone and call him one last time.

My Blog

Learning to Ride a Bike Again...

Okay, so I have officially started using Maya again after about a year of actively avoiding it. Considering my whimsical notion that I would find a job in this asshole town creating 2D animation has ...
Posted by Mattimus on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 10:27:00 PST

The greatest game ever!

We (my girlfriend and i) recently purchased Resident Evil 4 and i have yet to really put the controller down. for those of you who are unhappy with the recent entries in the series, or just looking f...
Posted by Mattimus on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST