GLOWA profile picture


"..check yourself before you'll wreck yourself..."

About Me

At present I'm working abroad so you may have to wait few days for my reply or approval. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY to speed it up a little bit, please hit me up by e-mail [ [email protected] ] adding "URGENT" in message's topic.
I'm local hip hop promoter working with the Mighty Vibes project (hip hop events). So far I hosted artists such as El Da Sensei, Abstract Rude, Athletic Mic League, A State of Mind, Skrein, Zombi Squad, Tetris, Brudne Serca, Dinal, Returners, Kixnare, W.E.N.A., Zywe Srebro, Holdcut, Skorup, DJ Daniel Drumz, Pat Patent, Mentalcut or Twister just to name a few. If you're interested in some co-operation, text me, maybe we'll sort something out together. I'm also independent journalist. It means I'm not along with any magazine or service by contract or other paper - just droppin' single works everywhere.
READ BEFORE ADDING ME ! ! ! Just follow simple tips mentioned below and everybody will be happy.
As a private user I'm not another myspace friends collector, I'm not a friends count filler as well, so if you ain't got nothing to offer except of your avatar in my profile or copied "thanks for the add" and some pictures promoting your 10th during this year demo named "Hood Life EP" - don't waste my and yours precious time, and don't ask me for the add - you'll be certainly denied - this profile ain't no free commercial service, sorry. The more needless friends (however it sounds) you've got - the harder is finding somebody to contact in need. Also I show no love to people who add me just to paste their cover where "no love" means comment deletion. I don't disallow you to put your picture into your comment, but don't be surprised if i'll delete it. Don't get me wrong for I don't feel I'm arrogant or something. Hope you understand.
On the other hand if you feel that we might do something creative together or teach something each other - please feel free to get in touch.
At the moment i'm working on...
Past Mighty Vibes gigs:

My Interests


Member Since: 12/30/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Me, myself and I
Influences: In my life - Chuck D, Paris, KRS One, Big Daddy Kane, ATCQ, Run DMC, Ice T, Melle Mel, Rakim and many more. In my occupation - crowd.
Sounds Like: Zombi Squad @ Mighty Vibes II

Freestyle Session @ Mighty Vibes IV

W.E.N.A. - "S-A-L-U-T-U-J" @ Mighty Vibes IV

Record Label: Mighty Vibes
Type of Label: None

My Blog


24 maja tego roku, w czestochowskiej "Rurze" odbedzie sie release party nachodzacego singla Returners i Radia Rewers "Do You". Plyta ukaze sie nakladem wytwórni Asfalt Records. Jako gosc specjalny wys...
Posted by GLOWA on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 01:32:00 PST

MV Freestyle Champs czasowo odwolane ! ! !

Niestety, z powodu kilku nakladajacych sie na siebie niekorzystnych okolicznosci impreza zostaje CZASOWO odwolana. Wkrotce nowy termin imprezy.   Stay tuned!
Posted by GLOWA on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 02:16:00 PST

MIGHTY VIBES: Freestyle Champs Night

Z przyjemnoscia informuje Cie drogi czytelniku iz 29 Marca, w pierwsza sobote po Swietach Wielkanocnych, w czestochowskim klubie Rura odbedzie sie kolejna impreza spod szyldu Mighty Vibes, impreza jak...
Posted by GLOWA on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 04:38:00 PST

Gadzety Mighty Vibes?

Yo yo!W zwiazku z tym, ze zadziwiajaco duzo ludzi pytalo mnie o koszulki Mighty Vibes, zaczalem powaznie zastanawiac sie nad tematem. Poprzegladalem uslugodawcow w tym zakresie, porownalem oferty i wy...
Posted by GLOWA on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 06:11:00 PST