Jill profile picture


Gals don't make passes at men on their asses!

About Me

Oregon- "If the rain doesn't kill you, you can do it yourself." Oregon- "Where Lewis and Clark discovered seasonal affective disorder" Oregon- "No, you're saying it wrong!"

My Interests

Hiking, road biking, yoga, surfing, snowshoeing, snowboarding, hot springing etc...I am also an active member of the democratic party (some have accused me of being so open-minded that my brain has fallen out).I love to cook, birdwatch, and sew. I could (and do) spend entire afternoons just hanging out with my doggies.

I'd like to meet:

Someone who lives in Hawaii... wait I know someone there!


I've really been into the singer/ songwriter thing lately but I like all kinds of music (execpt new country-unless it's silly, and rap)


Saving Grace, I heart Huckabees, Big Fish


Not really a fan, but House is good and CSI is like crack on television. The bio in me also like Good Eats.


Just fininshed the Back Road to Crazy-Stories from the field. If you are a field bio this is the book for you. I laughed untill I cried (I guess it wouldnt be so funny if I hadnt been there myself...)


Rachel Carson