Hi i'm Nadia ... i'm 20 almost 34
Nietzsche said "a great value of antiquity lies in the fact that its writings are the only ones that modern men still read with exactness."
Yep .....
Well well ...
i have no idea of what he tried to say, twas just to make my profile look clever and so as a consequence ... me.
When i was a child, i was a jedi. I had the corn flakes's complex and i thought Marcia Baila was a song about an dancing alien.
Then i grew up thanx to Twix bars, just in a physical way.
The eternal question: "what will you do when you'll grow up?".
I wanted to be an artist or an 21 Jump Street active member.
So i've decided to be both.
Then I've decided at 7 to be an artist, I made a charming bracelet for my mum and my first song was called "come back sunny", I really thought it had the power to blow the clowdies away =P.
Tell me your story I know you're not boring...