Started making beats along time ago... Got my first sampling keyboard called an SK100 or something like that when I was7 or 8. That was around 82 or 83. We used to hold RUN DMC records up to the internal mic and trigger the beats.
Got a little more serious around '89 - '90 when I got further into sampling and keys. Started working with a studio called twin city Records on some demo stuff for a group my partner L and I start called... wait for it.... YATO Young and Taking Over. Hip Hop in its early form. We were in Junior High at the time. Young we were, taking over... maybe not! Continued MC'ing at many house parties and gained some local fame with the older croud, mainly because we stuck out being the only ones without facial hair. Thanks to a few local Dj's we got on the Mic every chance we got.
'91 - Started working with my best freind Siren on a project we dubbed Lunatic Bastards. Later that became our crew. LB - We had 2 Turntables, A Mic and a pissed off couple of parents for the hearing a ryme involing e.t. the extra-terestrial with the extra testicle... Or something to that effect.
'92 - '93 - Started working on a Roland R-5 Machine, Roland Sampler, 1200's, 4 track, various keyboards and effects proccessors. Mc Leroy Brown was born.
'95 - '96 Sold most of the equipment to get a computer good enough to run FastTracker! From the first time I saw FT I knew we were one step closer. 77mhz computer running 24 tracks is scary when you think about it. Siren and I joined 119 cru and started rocking at major Rave's throughout LA. 3 Dj's and an MC. We repped Jungle/Hip Hop. A few of the parties were huge 25,000 to 30,000. But 2,500 to 5,000 was about average. We also had a weekly gig at Magic Wednesdays in the Jungle Room.
Around that same time started working with this new thing called the internet. Mainly to get some tunes out. It was just a hobbie. Slowly the two switched and by 1998 I was doing webdesign full time and music became secondary.
'99 to '05 - Not much has changed still doing websites and music. Started a sample cd company and which got shut down by Roland. They didn't like my ads stating that you ocould buy my cd's instead of their drum machines - LOL. Not MC'ing as often but still making tracks. Working with the Homies at Westland and Dynatone Records designing promo stuff for '06. Big things going down so stay tuned.
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