Hellow I'm Aizen. I am very passionate music lover. w/o music I conclude my ghost will gave up. John lenon's songs really has a great impact on me but I also like his bAnd-- The Beatles. I'm into more metal bands but It doesn't mean I got the heavy looks; their music really affects me; and fucking love it. I don't care what people you'd say, eventhough they'd scare me to death. I won't give a fuck unless they'd fucked up with me. If you ask...if I am a pessimistic or an optimistic, So far, I could see all the obnixous surrounds me and all the pangs of pain plunged me, therefore; I probably say...I'm a pessimistic. I could be on the either side if... If see the world is on me.(you know what i mean) I just want to listen Want I wanted to listen. I am an X.X.X (straight Edge)NO SEX, NO DRUGS And NO ALCOHOLIC Drinks. I won't make you entice me. Smoking makes my first impression decline. Indeed, I have only few friends which I can share my joy, grief and other emotions that mudane people like me felt. who cares! if their faces are true. ain't I friendly. Worry not my good buddies I treasure you. I live for naught but music. %D%A%D%A
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