About Me
PLEASE DO READ MY BLURBS churva %D%A %D%A%D%A•hey(waves)%D%A •Maureen mojica roque IN D HWS*_* a.k.a %D%A
%D%A•residing at my mom’s authority •prays a lot •very rarespecie •free spirited and open minded person •life. . . full of mysteries and loving and indulging to it every minute!! •Taking up nursing,,,seems like riding on a roller coaster ride •October 7 1986!PROUD LIBRAN-_- i believe i belong in cluster c,catatonic excitement & sometimes hysteria,,,(go psyche nurse) •By the way I’m biOUT ?,,,*I CALL MY PRENDS "CHONG"(E.G--"CHONG SAN TYO?)*I ALWAYS BITE MY LIPS TO AVOID DEHYDRATION EFFEX*_**I'M A VERY LOYAL FRIEND(i'm not being boastful or anything but that's what my tried*tested friends said)*a very patient lad here,,,*my face is going through a very bad pimpling face(bad luck i got that from y dad's side) %D%A%D%A I. . .LOVE/s?
%D%A•My mommy,ate michelle,friends I consider them as my heroes •Eating,,, by the way im fat and I don’t care! •To go out and just go!•MUSIC!without music its like not living at all! •Watching koreanovela’s(HYUN BIN,KIM TAE HEE,SONG HYE KYO & JEON JI HYUN!PLEASE)•Ice cream,frap’s,chocolates,,& yes their better than sex •Street foods,,name it and ill eat it! •Observing people or whatsoever•Laugh,,,yup3 m so shallow!wuhoooooooooo •My nursing course!•Colors red,pink,black •ELMO(tickle me!!) •LIMEWIRE•My pc(chat,download,designing!) •Cellphones,,,(texting,picturan!) •Bags,,,d bigger d better! •Watching gigs but so often•Magazines I prefer them than books,,,*I LOVE TO TRAVEL •Unique pipz,,, •People who are against the flow •AND THE LIST GOES ON ?? %D%A%D%A i hate
%D%Asummer season!*the feeling of your sticky sweat all over your body*if i feel there's something wrong or the vibes are not that good dont't expect me to talk 2u•1 THING THAT REALLY PISSES ME OFF IS THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE LEAVING ME WITHOUT ANY REASONS. •VERY SENSITIVE AND YES OVER EMOTIONAL PIPZ! •ABUSING•FEELING SUPERIOR •PLASTIC •i get easily irritated if your acting dumb(well,,,it depends on my mood!•UNFORTUNATELY THE LIST GOES ON again,,,%DHEDENG thats MAUI
i know i forgot something about me thats the time when youwill remind me sometimes about that certain something,,,wanna know more chong?dig in!i won't bite%D%A...and oh MAUI'S VERY ANXIOUS/PARANOID on her graduation,board exams and YESSSSS...GETTING A JOB!amfufu-_- and MS is the best past time ever %D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A