My name is Brittany Dewar, but most know me as Brittany Bailey. I live in Linwood with my hubby, daughter, zeus, and baby Teagan! That's pretty much all there is to know
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I LikE iT aLL
ToO LatE i'Ve alReADy mEt hiM aND.............Im KeePiNG hIM
BeYoNcE, ReD HOt ChiLLi PepPeRs, PeArL JaM, 50 CenT, thE uSeD, Ok i LikE EVeRytHInG
i'LL Try AnYthIng OnCe
SpoNgE bob, ThE HiLLS, LagUNa, AnyTHiNG ON MTv, AnY JudgE shoWs
YeS I kNoW HoW TO rEAd
mY mOm, dAd, AND yOu