Danby! profile picture


And That Will Be Me Someday, With Stolen Wings And Evil Ways....

About Me

Create your own Friend Test here

Me - Everytime you masturbate, God kills a kitten

Jake - Oh, well this morning i turned a pet store into Auschwitz.

I dont smoke pot
I DO NOT believe in racisim
I DO think the joke above is funny
I think that Amy Fisher is a crazy bitch
Scientology is for Douchebags
Assholes can be funny people AND good friends
I dont follow, but am somewhat interested in Astrology
I Play Musical Instrments
History Channel is the only thing worth watching on cable
I dont hold grudges
However, If you REALLY fuck me over, I have no desire to EVER talk to you again
Sometimes I think too much
I Like to write songs
I Cant stand staying in one place too long, I hate bordem
I Watch Family Guy
I Think You Know TOO much about me.......

My Interests

Music, Cooking, Living, and Being Spontanious.

I'd like to meet:

You!!! Unless you're a scumbag..... Danby --

Sexually stunning...

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com


hmmm....where to begin? BEN FOLDS, taking back sunday, brand new, james tayler, frank sinatra, days away, 311, beatles, van morrison, MIKE DOUGHTY, dean martin, the killers, stereophonics, FIONA APPLE, alkaline TRIO, kid dynamite, counting crows, dada, dashboard, ELLIOTT SMITH, Elvis, green day, guns n' roses, jay-z, JIMMY EAT WORLD, matthew sweet, maroon 5, pearl jam, rolling stones, stephen speaks, tom petty, the used, the wallflowers...........and a shitload more.....pretty much anything!


Back to the Future,,,,,Clearly.....Big Labowski, Made, Swingers, Garden State, Oceans 11 (the original one with frank sinatra) MAGNOLIA is my fav. Silence of the Lambs, or anything that makes me laugh.


i LOVE family guy


Im not a big reader.....but i loved the bob dylan chronicles vol 1., Catcher in the rye is always sitting on my headboard, Animal Farm is a good one too...Im starting "king dork" by Frank Portman......so far so good.


Robert Allan Zimmerman

My Blog

Does one only get mono from kissing dirty girls?!?...

....Id say no, prob from hanging out with people who have mono. So Ive Been in bed for about 5 days straight now, and with nothing to do ive been praticing for a job with ebert and roper. S...
Posted by Danby! on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 07:34:00 PST

...When all the limbs are numb and clean...

...and your in transit dream to dream, well i'll be there to meet you, Lazybones.......SO..Isnt it funny when you start thinking back on the way you felt a few months ago?! Well maybe not funny so mu...
Posted by Danby! on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 11:52:00 PST

Whats more fun than running naked in the rain?!...

...Going to random places with your friends, taking some guitars, and entertaining peole for money. Matt B, Daniel Ware, and Myself were setting up shop outside of busy resturants last night, enterta...
Posted by Danby! on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 04:07:00 PST

...if dreams are like movies, than memories are films about ghosts....

So I had this series of very lucid dreams last night. They were so real, that when i woke up I could have sworn that they really happened. I woke up after each one, and when i fell back to sleep, the...
Posted by Danby! on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 09:05:00 PST

i hate the word "why"

OK so its 5:30am.....ive been in my bed for the last FIVE AND A HALF HOURS......and I CANT FUCKING SLEEP....grrr...ive tried everything (except drugs) to try and sleep....t.v. on.....t.v. off...cig....
Posted by Danby! on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 03:31:00 PST