Music, Cooking, Living, and Being Spontanious.
You!!! Unless you're a scumbag.....
Danby --
Sexually stunning...
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at
hmmm....where to begin? BEN FOLDS, taking back sunday, brand new, james tayler, frank sinatra, days away, 311, beatles, van morrison, MIKE DOUGHTY, dean martin, the killers, stereophonics, FIONA APPLE, alkaline TRIO, kid dynamite, counting crows, dada, dashboard, ELLIOTT SMITH, Elvis, green day, guns n' roses, jay-z, JIMMY EAT WORLD, matthew sweet, maroon 5, pearl jam, rolling stones, stephen speaks, tom petty, the used, the wallflowers...........and a shitload more.....pretty much anything!
Back to the Future,,,,,Clearly.....Big Labowski, Made, Swingers, Garden State, Oceans 11 (the original one with frank sinatra) MAGNOLIA is my fav. Silence of the Lambs, or anything that makes me laugh.
i LOVE family guy
Im not a big reader.....but i loved the bob dylan chronicles vol 1., Catcher in the rye is always sitting on my headboard, Animal Farm is a good one too...Im starting "king dork" by Frank far so good.
Robert Allan Zimmerman