^^^ADD THAT IF U KNOW OF OR LIKE STILL GAMEhi, i'm buddha. i like anything metal and i'm usually bored constantly. RAMMSTEIN, AC/DC, METALLICA, ANDREW WK ALL RULE SO LISTEN 2 EM:p.I LIKE HANGING BOUT AN HAVEIN A LAUGH WIT MY M8'S.i made my band now and i'm guitar and lead vocals: woo! rennie wk/ Rwk is drummer mjimmy is 2nd guitar, and james is bass.
[email protected]
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly! - A Survey of Your Life
* So Basically... *
Name?: kenny/buddha/buddballs/thunder rollins
Age?: 17
Sex?: ooohhhh yeeaaaahhh :P am 17
Birth Date?: 6/8/90
Hair Color?: red!
Eye Color?: greeny blue
Height?: about 6 feet give or take
Weight?: heavy
Body Type?: fat
Piercings?: ear and eyebrow
Tattoos?: nah no yet
What are you wearing right now?: green day t shirt, camo combats sk8 shoes
Hair style at the moment?: messy:D
* Favorites *
Soda?: cola
Food?: any
Drink?: coffeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Alcoholic Drink?: cider
Time of day?: evening
Season?: summer
Day of the week?: hm...... thursday
Song at the moment?: life with you: the proclaimers
Band/Artist?: proclaimers!!! and metallica
Book?: dont really read tbh
Subject in school?: no in skool
Place in the USA?: wherever the rock n roll hall of fame is
Place outside the USA?: canada
Color?: read
Style of clothes?: mosher/rocker/emo(a wee bit)
Store?: virgin megastore
Mall?: buchanan galleries
Website?: google:P
Magazine?: KERRANG
Kind of pet?: dog
* Worst *
Place to be?: carbrain
Class in school?: everyone says maths but i say p.e
Time of dayr?: morning
Season?: winter
Kind of pet?: snake
Drink?: tomato juice
Food?: salad
Mall?: cumby town centre
Store?: poundland
Style of clothes?: neddy
Celebrity?: cannon and ball they were wankers when there were at asda all those years ago
Color?: purple
Book?: dont read
Type of music?: RAVE DOES MY BOX IN
Website?: google
Magazine?: fishers monthlyXD
* Daily Life *
When do you get up?: sleap eat computer ps2
What is your first thought?: fuck im awake:(
What do you do first?: go 4 a piss
What's your usual outfit?: jeans band t shirt
What's the first class of the day?: acting skills
When does school end?: 2 yrs ago lol
Do you see your friends?: aye
What do you do when you get home?: go on comp
What time do you go to bed?: when ever i fall asleep
* Do you...*: maybe i do maybe i dont:P
Brush your teeth daily?: tbh 2 daily
Brush your hair daily?: aye
Shower daily?: every 2 days
Sing?: fuck aye lalalalalalala
Dance?: ¬¬aye
Party?: nah
Get drunk?: nah
Have sex?: no yet
Read books?: nah
Listening to music a lot?: FUCK AYE!!!
Read magazines?: KERRANG
Go online a lot?: aye
Stay on AIM all day even with an away message?: kinda
Have a religion?: nah
Have an IPod?: nah
Want an IPod?: nah
Have a Girlfriend/Boyfriend?: nah
Play an instrument?: guitar bass(kinda)
Get sick a lot?: nah
Watch TV?: all the time
Like MTV?: aye
Like VH1?: aye
Like the History Channel?: nopw
Have Digital Cable?: aye
Have more than 500 channels on your TV?: aye
Listen to the radio?: kinda
Still use your CD player?: aye
Stalk people?: celebrities:D
Have more than 200 buddies on your Buddy List?: nope
Have dial-up internet?: nope
Have AOL?: nah
Know HTML?: Harry Talks Mostly Lies?:S nah i dont
Have a GPA higher than 3.9?: wtf........
Get H's in honors classes?: wtf........
* Music *
Do you listen to Rap?: eminem
R & B?: nah
Blues and/or Jazz?: nah
Classical?: nope
Pop?: whatevers good
Emo/Scremo?: depends
Christian?: FUCK NOOOOOOOO... w8 aye styper and p.o.d
Techno?: prodigy
Reggae?: nah
Broadway Musical songs?: FUCK NO
Oldies?: sum of em were good
* In A Boyfriend/Girlfriend *
Hair color?: any
Eye color?: any
Tattoos?: if they want em
Piercings?: dont matter
Favorite Music?: preferibly remotly the same
Style of clothing?: same preferibly
Body Type?: am no choosey just no 2 skinny and no pure fat
Personality or Looks?: personality
Would you go out with someone just for their money?: nope
Do you go on "Pity Dates"?: i wish
Does size matter?: nope
Do they have to be popular?: no
Does the guy ask the girl or the other way around?: doesnt bother me
Where do you go on the first date?: maybe 2 the movies 4 sumfin 2 eat
Kiss on the first date?: if they want
Sex on the first date?: if they wanna
* Right Now *
Do you think you look good right now?: nah
Are you eating something?: nah
Are you drinking something?: aye
Are you IMing anyone?: aye
Are you talking on the phone with someone?: nope
Are you talking face to face with someone?: nope
Is anyone at your house who doesn't live there?: nope
What song are you listening to?: life with you: proclaimers
What are you watching on TV?: aye
What other websites do you have open?: this and goog;e
Why are you taking this survey?: my m8 done it
Where are you going to post it?: aye
What are you going to do after this?: drink juice
* What do you Believe? *
Do you believe in ghosts?: aye
The afterlife?: aye
Aliens?: aye
God?: no
The devil?: nah
Heaven?: nah
Hell?: nah
Scientology?: nah
Hinduism?: nah
Buddhism?: nah
Christianity?: nah
Taoism?: nah
Judism?: nah
Jesus?: nah
Nothing?: nah
Reincarnation?: nah
Yourself?: nah
* Randoms *
Have you been on an airplane before?: aye
Where were you going?: spain
Have you been to another country?: spain
Have you ever went to another country with your friends?: no yet
Have you ever partied in another country?: aye:P
Have you ever went on a roadtrip with your friends?: not yet i was ment 2
Ever stayed online more than 10 hours straight?: aye
Pretended to like someone just to get popular?: nah
Talked about someone behind their back?: used 2
Had someone talk about you behind your back?: all the time
Been in a fight online?: aye
Been in a fight face to face?: aye
Gotten yourself involved in a fight that wasn't about you?: aye
Been called a bitch?: aye
Been called a slut/whore?: nah
Been to Australia?: nah
Do you like snakes?: not really
Ever cried to get your own way?: aye :P
Ever broken a bone?: no :(
Ever had to stay in the hospital for more than a week?: nope:(
Ever had serious surgery?: nope
Ever looked a porn online?: ....
Ever went to one of those "adult" stores?: ........
Ever bought clothes at Walmart?: no
Ever gotten clothes from the Salvation Army?: aye:P
Ever paid more than 100 dollars for a pair of jeans?: nope
Ever been on stage for any reason?: acting
Ever been in a play?: aye
Ever been in a choir?: aye
Ever been in a band?: nah i still am in it
Do you play, or used to play, an instrument?: aye guitar
Gotten a Brazilian Bikini Wax?: oh aye(h) a fukin guy
Waxed your eyebrows?: nah..rennie shaved his off once lmfao
Waxed your legs?: nah
Cut yourself shaving?: aye
Have you ever died?: oh aye...¬¬
Was this survey an good at all?: nah
What time is it right now?: 23:27
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