SiMiN profile picture


fAte chAngEs eVerYthIng..!!! hAiZx..

About Me

hEhE... mE siMin... a cRazY 14 yR olD gaL...hMm.. i lyk musiC... esP.. 5566..!!! lolx... sOme iNtrO abT mY scHooL yRs.. i waS in bEnDmEeeR pRi scHool fRm p1 2 p3.. thEn i CHnagEd scHoOl.. to mEe tOH fRm p3 2 p6.. miSs my CHilDhooD dAyS... hEhE.. i lYk muSiC.. sO i jOin bAnd... hEhE... hMm.. i luV 5566 too..!!! theY sO shuAi.. esp. xiE zhI.. theN reN fU so cuTe.. buT i luV reNfu bettEr.. hEhE.. i somEtimEs giF aDviCe 2 ppL whEn thEy aRe in Troule.. bUT whEn i Am iN troUblE.. i DoNo wAd 2 Do.. thEn i souGht heLp fRm a FrenZ oF minE.. hehe.. :D

My Interests

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hMM.. 4 noW.. i Don wAn 2 gO iNto SerRioUS daTinG.. bCOZ.. i cuRreNtlY hAf sOMe1 In miNd lE... hEhE.. i wAn mEet mOre FrenZ... And haF mOre Gan jIE aNd gaN gE.. hehe.. ^.^