Lindsay profile picture


It ought to be illegal for an artist to marry. If the artist must marry let him find someone more in

About Me

Here's my photo and writing blog:

NEW FAVORITE WORD! MNEMOSYNE: (noun)the ancient Greek goddess of memory, a daughter of Uranus and Gaea and the mother by Zeus of the Muses.
[Origin: < Gk mnémosýné memory, akin to mnâsthai to remember, mnmōn mindful]

This video illustrates the most beautiful sound I've heard (only twice in 5 years) in my entire life. Tho it won't give the full effect, it's a pretty good audio interpretation. About every 20 minutes in the baptistry in Pisa, Italy the guard silences the crowd and sings into the ceiling. Because of the way the dome was built his single, male voice reverberates and sounds off something close to what I'd imagine are a chior of heavenly beings. If you play this clip I suggest closing your eyes and listening closely to the singing in the background.
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

If love does not rule your heart, all activity is just the spinning of wheels.


The Goonies, Labyrinth, Amelie, Darjeeling Limited, Lolita, Rivers and Tides, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, Dead Poets Society, Elizabeth, Monty Python anything, Lord of the Rings, others I can't think of.. I dunno..


The Cosby Show never fails to cause wild laughter to spout loudly out of my entire body by way of my mouth and vocal accompaniments... and The Muppet Show was just a fantastic invention, yes yes indeed.


Gravities Rainbow, Love in the Time of Cholera, Desolation Angels, Letters to a Young Poet, Leaves of Grass, On The Road, Cannery Row, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Walden, The Prophet, Howl, Islands in the Stream, The Bridge of San Luis Rey, The Alchemist... all because of... Rumi, Marquez, Rimbaud, Rilke, Whitman, Waldman, Kerouac, Ginsberg, Beckian Fritz-Goldberg, Steinbeck, Hemingway, Ferlinghetti, Neruda, Nietzsche, Milan Kundera, Tolkien, Robert Hass, Thich Nhat Hanh, Sappho, Trungpa, Brigit Pegeen Kelly... too many to name.. come see my bookshelves..

My Blog

life is exciting because we’re artists, etc.

(I didn't write this) There is a Secret WorldConcealed Within this One.The lives we lead, and the lives we wish we led.This world, the so-called "real world," is just a front. Pull back the curtain an...
Posted by Lindsay on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 08:04:00 PST

go ahead and hate your neighbor

"When you judge another person, you are living in that person's consciousness. When you get angry at someone, you mentally associate with their actions, which means you live in their state of consciou...
Posted by Lindsay on Wed, 08 Feb 2006 01:29:00 PST