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Celita meets Belize

About Me

So I guess I should tell ya all about my most recent venture. I'M MOVING FAR FAR AWAY! Belize to be exact. I'll be leaving beautiful bmore for the central american, coconut eating, english speaking, lunchtime napping, scuba diving, easy sunshine filled sub tropics. Sounds cool huh? My sister and I will become super entrepreneurs. We will be working on a few projects with my family. If I say anymore i'll have to kill you. So I'll be peaceing out the first week of May. Titus is excited we're practicing our spanish commands and working on hiding him in my underwear container. Abdul however had to part ways. I'm please with the new owner especially because he has shed some light on my poor snakes shameful secret. Abdul is and has always been a GIRL!!! Damn you max for making her live a misappropriate life of secrecy. Titus is doing well even though he has spent many a late night crawling under covers with what now is his SISTER! OH the shame! Anyways I hope my snake is all I have to give up. In other words I look forward to visitors in my home of organic milk and rum. Round trip flights can be pretty cheap so hint hint. Love to you all!!! ps I'll have internet so I guess you can just email me.

My Interests

Design in its amazing totality, and candy. The kind of candy thats red and can haul ass on a highway.


I like anything worth listening to. I don't judge. I go straight to persecuting.


love em


don't watch


Can't read or count, but I can draw naked people.


My minpin dog, "Mighty king titus". Yes, that is his actual name and he bites privates on command. Oh and Jeanan, she can bite privates too. She’s magnificent I’m going be like her when I become a bad ass.