Martina profile picture


Hail to te Mother North!!!

About Me

Female, almost 29., odd, eccentric,dead to the world, fetishist, love all things morbid, graveyardish and nocturnal...blackness of the mind and whiteness of the body...I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.1

My Interests

Leather, rubber, lace, pale faces, sharp teeth, long nails, high heels, pointy things, graveyard earth, full mooon, swamp and mist.


Ah music..everything mighty and dark.....Type O Negative, Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth, Temnozor, Graveland, Storm, Burzum, MM, Darkthrone, Amon Amarth, Enslaved, Emperor, Kovenant, Mortiis ....adore the TRue Norwegian Blackness.......


David Cronenbergs movies (Crush, Fly, Naked Lunch), David Lynch (Lost Highway, Mulholland Drive), Excalibur, Highlander I (because of Kurgan), 13th warrior (everything would be better without Banderas).


Poe, La Fanu, Jesenjin, Gorky, Nietzsche,