dEfToNeS!!!!!!!!!!!!! taekwondo, partying with my friends, and just having a kick ass time.
eh, anyone who isnt an ass i guess
too many to list, but heres a few......................................................... ............................................................ ...........................dEfToNeS......................... ................unwritten law, throwdown, team sleep, eminem, afi, system of a down, pennywise, korn, linkin park, no use for a name, taproot, the cure,the clash, sublime,dashboard confessionals,tiger army,phantom planet,the strokes, slipknot, mudvayne, cky, nate dogg, dj quik, snoop dogg, suga free, west side connection ummmm and a lot more i cant think about
ScArFaCe, OuTsIdErS, ReSeVoIr DoGs, sHrEcK, BlAcK sHeEp, HoT sHoTs, DuMb AnD DuMbEr, pUnCh DrUnK lOvE, BiG fIsH, JaCkAsS, kIlL bIlL, sPuN, ReQuIeM fOr A dReAm, AmErIcAn HiStOrY x, NiGhTmArE bEfOrE ChRiStMaS, bUtTeRfLy EfFeCt, fIgHt ClUb, PiRaTeS oF tHe CaRrIbEaN, nApOlEaN dYnAmItE, mEmEnTo, bLoW, GiRl iNtErRuPtEd, MeEt ThE pArEnTs, MeEt ThE fOcKeRs, BeEtLeJuIcE, jAcKiE bRoWn, pUlP fIcTiOn, ThE sHiNiNg, TaXi DrIvEr and more..
family guy, simple life, cops
abba and pip