fu(k1nP053R U aint HOT enough 2 talk 2 me profile picture

fu(k1nP053R U aint HOT enough 2 talk 2 me

About Me

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DATE: Sunday, January 14th, 2oo7 20:56
Mood: Coo coo
MP3: Bob Sinclair - World, Hold On - Check Cloud-inc page
DAMN LOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGGGG TIME since I updated!!! I havent updated since what... almost a freakin year!! DAMN!Well in that time I have done a lot! Boos & I are still together! I love her soooo much! I own Cloud-inc as most of you know!Check us out!! www.cloud-inc.com
I am still in school...trying to get through. Life is decent, could be better. Its been snowing a lot this year. I finally picked up my season pass for boarding! I go up almost every week! Its killer! Ummm, I think thats about it. Hopefully it doesnt take me a year to update again....WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEE
DATE: Tuesday, April 4th, 2oo6 12:56
Mood: eh...I dunno
MP3: Xzibit - Alkaholik
Well, as most of you know, Arthur, Aaron, Kazu & I went to Japan for 9 days. It was a BLAST! We had more fun this time than ever before! We met TONS of new people! Found a bunch of clubs! Got to go Horse Racing, went drinking and to karaoke! It was off the hook!Now we are back and Im finishing up my graduating quarter at South. Looks like Im gunna stick around and take some summer classes though just so I dont have to take them at the 4 year! I wanted to go to UW, but I may go to SU for a quarter. Im not sure what I want to do yet.I have finally figured out my 5 year plan! So I stoked about that! I know what I wanna do within a year! I am finally planning out my life. I feel like Im becoming more responsible everyday.My personal life is complicated right now. Im not all that happy, even though Im doing what I need to. Im still frustrated. Hopefully things will look better soon. Im just trying to keep my head up.I will try to update again soon, but who knows with my schedual....As you all know I dont get around to updating this often. Its funny too cause it only takes about 10 min to do. I guess I m just lazy!!! O well....
DATE: Sunday, Mar 5th, 2oo6 16:02
Mood: Sad....
MP3: Coolio - Ill see you when I get there
Gary Guy, a co-worker and a friend passed away yesterday in a freak diving accident.He was a loved and wonderful husband, photographer, diver, bartender, and friend. I have heard stories about other things he used to do, and this small list is only some of those things I personally knew he was passionate about. Sadly, I didnt get to experience the full Gary.I wasnt lucky enough to know Gary for that long. I have known him for a couple years, but I didnt really start talking to him until the last 8 months or so.I remember going to aristocrats and always seeing this tall goofy guy who was overly nice to everyone. No matter how much of an asshole the customer was. He was still cool. Everyone else behind the bar would get bent out of shape through the night, but he was the only one who kept his cool always. He never let anything get on his shoulders. Then I started to work with him, and found that he was even more than I knew of him for all those years as 'just' a bartender.Its hard to see people you care about go. Life is just too short. I still cant believe that I will be showing up to work next week and he wont be there. Its crazy to think that someone can be there, and then gone the next minute and they will never be coming back.Out of everyone who works at Aristocrats, he was my favorite. I always looked forward to coming to work when I knew he was going to be there. When work was unbearable, he made it bearable. When everyone else would get mad because the night was horrible, he would still have a smile on his face. Always a ray of sunshine. Always an optimist. He was always telling me about what he wanted to do in the future and Im sure he would have succeeded in all of his endeavours.To Gary Guy! A wonderful person!
I hope to see you again someday
Good luck my friend
DATE: Thursday, Feb 23rd, 2oo6 12:22
Mood: Unhappy now that I wrote my post....
MP3: nada
This is for Ian...he is a complainer and wants to read interesting things about me! Well I dont have anything interesting right now....Ok well a couple things, but nothing special...I am a procrastinator and Im lazy and I pissed cause my finger was cut and I missed hella school! Im whining because Im failing this quarter and its all my fualt because I dont push myself enough....Im stuck in renton, I fucking hate this place. I wanna be back near everything I know. Renton is horrible! Our apt is empty and its not very homey, its like a big empty space with a two computers on the floor and one on the desk. Cant buy anything cause we both are saving up for some shit, so its frustrating...My car is acting like shit, it needs new parts that I cant get right now cause that would break my bank. I dont work enough hours anymore and therefore I am broke right now. I am not usually broke, but right now is especially hard. I swear, being legit is so fucking stupid! Ya, you feel good about yourself, but when you dont have anything and you want stuff you start to feel bad again...just in a different way. I rather go back to the old days sometimes. Much easier to succeed. As everyone knows, I am super lazy and dont wanna work to get certain better things for myself. Though if I work, I am the best there is at what I do! If there is money involved I am extremely efficient. If I got paid to go to school everyday, I would go like clockwork...but I dont, so I dont...Sad how my life is right now, Im so fucking unhappy....I just want things to be different....Ugh..life sucks, now I should change my mood to shitty....O well, Im just gunna play a game of B2 before I head to seattle.
DATE: Friday, December 16rd, 2oo5 09:09
Mood: Good!
MP3: Kingdom Hearts! The Music on my page!
I redid my page this morning. I was tired of scrolling down. I made it all one load, one page! Unless you got 800x600. That sucks for you! I added new pics, a couple old one, new format, changed the way things are seen and the what happens when you click the pics! Everything seems to be in working order and hopefully it will stay that way. Im sorry you cant disable the music anymore. My server went down and I had to make it a .swf file for size and downloadable use. I didnt wanna take anymore time doing that so I just made it invisable. You can hit ESC to stop it! And if that doesnt work on your browser, once again TOO BAD! Life is good, Im outta school! YAY! Looking for full time work! Trying to bartend somewhere downtown. Just waiting for christmas! I cant wait to see the look on Kits face when she sees the present I got her! Im sure she will be happy! I put up a pic of my new BMW! happy** Its dirty and icky, but I will detail it sometime this month...hehe. WHAT? Its cold out! Im going to be going back to the gym on a regular basis again, its been a hard quarter to keep things going! Other than that, all is well!Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

DATE: Saturday, December 3rd, 2oo5 15:09
Mood: Sick...
MP3: Queen - Fat Bottom Girls
Well, I havent updated in forever. I only go on here to talk to my friends. Not really to meet new people. I am super busy with work and school and cant find time to actually do something new. Dont hate me cause Im smarter than you, and dont hate me cause I look better than you. And definatly dont hate me because I dont update. I just dont give a crap anymore....I got everything I need right here next to me! Maybe one of these days I will actually redo the page again. I just thoroughly enjoy having one of the cleanest, coolest myspace pages! If you dont like it, suck my ......!
DATE: Tuesday, September 13th, 2oo5 17:43
Mood: Happy!
MP3: Nothin....Watchin Advent Children DVD
So ya, I havent updated in a long time. Well, Im busy, school arranging, girlfriend, building my bike, friends, hangin out, enjoying summer...Ya that takes up most of my time! Ive been friggin busy!!! SOOOOO, my Bday was yesterday!!! Monday, ya, my bday! You know, I think I got the greatest bday present!As you all know, my background and pics are from Final Fantasy Advent Children...Ive been waiting about two years or so for it to come out!!! Ya, Im a geek...so what....Anyway, My buddy Josh found a leaked dvd rip of Final Fantasy: Advent Children!! I got to watch it two days before it even came out in Japan, and a month before it comes out here! AND I got to see it on my bday!!! I was sooooo stoked!! What a great Bday gift!!! Thanks Josh!!!!!!! Other than that, I havent done shit, I didnt really get anything for my bday, I dont really expect anything. Just dinner and a couple s...haha and on sunday my mom had some pie for me(pie is my fav, I hate !) Well I guess I will update again sometime later! I gotta go spend some time with my gf....Its nice to have someone around again :)TTFN....AND GO WATCH ADVENT CHILDREN!!!!
DATE: Saturday, August 20th, 2oo5 09:43
Mood: Happy!
MP3: Nothin....
Well, my sever was down...my modem caught on fire...But everything is back up and running!! Well things have been good...just haning out with my girl and workin on my bike! Hopefully my R1 will be done in a couple weeks! I get all the rest of my stuff next week! And Im workin on polishin it and damn, that shit is crazy hard! Tedious as fuck!!! Well, I will update again soon, and get some new pics up...Ive been toooooo busy! Hit me up!!!
DATE: Monday, July 11th, 2oo5 21:13
Mood: Tired...and studying....ugh (;_;)
MP3: Lil' Jon & The Eastside Boyz - Get Low

HEY! YAY for me! I have tons of finals!!! AHHHH!!! I hate tests....O well, I will do ok! Cant wait till this shit is over! Hella tests...sucks ass... Nothin new here, just studying and hangin out....Went to the club this weekend, omg, some of the djs here are just terrible....like...TERRIBLE! They suck fuck balls!!!Well, I added some pics! Thats about it...just thought I would write a little....Im kinda bored. Waiting for a friend to come over. Just cleaned the shit outta my room!Aiite well Im outtie! PEACE!!!!
DATE: Saturday, July 9th, 2oo5 01:13
Mood: Pretty good! Im goin fishing!!!
MP3: Bon Jovi - Wanted Dead Or Alive

Well this is a letter I wrote a friend of mine...Im sure if he comes to this page he will recognize it....Its not that personal, so I thought it would be fine to post....but its very prudent to my life at this moment....Its definatly worth the read....---------------------------------------------Well well well.....I commented on your blogs...I was a little bored and wanted some good reading, so I started going through friends pages and checkin out blogs...funny, you remind me 110% of this friend of mine. This guy Jeremy....man, his ideas and your are the exact same....its funny.The last two weeks Jeremy and I have been talking about the whole reason for existance and why we go through the shit that we do. His past is very similar to mine and recently things have just not been going good for either of us....He is in seattle and I am in Japan and we are experiencing the same anguish...stupid eh?But anyway, I got my ticket changed and everything finally!I arrive 10:13 am tuesday morning in seattle....united flight 876! Though that plane is always about an hour early cause the headwinds are always in our favor.Ive been on that plane sooooo many times I can almost call the exact time I will arrive!Japan has become my second home. I have been here more than most people have been to their relatives houses across the united states. They choose to travel nationaly, and I got internationally.You know, after reading your blogs, you would soooo love it here. The people are amazing! They are so diligent! Everyday 6am wake up! They all go to work asap! They dont roll around their beds hitting the snooze button...the snooze button doesnt exist! they hop up! Jump in the their cloths and off to do whatever they do best! Taking their entire self and doing the best they can in whatever they do....Here you dont find angry people working at convienence stores....They are happy! Always greeting you and asking how you are! The people who work at department stores are real, and dont try to push buying things on you. They are just there with a warm smile going about their days....Even the ones that work at mcdonalds for fuckin 7$ which is worth less than america, in the us thats about $6.30....And they are happier than anyone! A Smile with you service never made since until I came here. This is the real heart of the world.Real people, making real differences....Its amazing to see how warm and kind everyone makes you feel here! Its completely different than america. In america, you feel like a .....like you are just another one of the flock...here you feel special, just like all of them. And being gaijin or an outsider....being white, is even more special! They treat you like a king! They treat you like you are a movie star! Everyone stares and point and wants to talk to you! They all gather and giggle....no matter what the age! Guys, girls, parents, old people...the reaction is always the same.I cant even describe the feeling that I get when I come here. Thats why I have been here so many times...Its worth every penny everytime I go.Ya the last 6 months or so have been bad, but I cant forget the people of this land...and how amazing they are! I will return to seattle shortly, and I will no longer get the kindness, the feelings that they give me. I will no longer have a server try to make me feel special. I will not get a friendly smile, I will receive a glare and a cold stare with an unfriendly 'here's your food sir....'It makes me weep for what will become of america. It makes me soo sad to think of all of those japanese people that come to america to learn english and live there....its so not worth it! It takes away the innocense! It takes away the drive to succeed! I know so many Japanese-americans that are no longer what they would be here....they are fat and lazy and sit home all day watching tv....They do nothing, just sit there an let their parents waste their money on their existance in america....Its such a waste to see things like that happen....I am just soo glad that I have experienced the things that I have here. I would not give it up for anything. To know that there are truely kind people in the world! Headstrong for glory!I wish the world could learn from their example. What fruitful people we would all be....The world would no longer go hungry, there would be less poverty and less obesity....less anger, less stupidity...There would be happy people willing to do things for people they dont even know.America is filled with those who just take for themselves and care nothing for anyone else or what someone else might think or feel....I just keep my head up and continue to know that I can always come to this place to escape....Its only $800 away.....One average persons paycheck and they could go as well....Its a cheap way to get away....some people spend thousands and thousands to go to exotic places to relax....what they need to do is save that money and come to Japan! Its so much more worth every penny! One word homie! Onsen! haha!But anyway, this one is getting long as well....I am going fishing with one of my friends today...I love fishing...and fishing in Japan is more peacful than anywhere else you could think of....good company, good times, and a beer in the hand...cant ask for much more! hahaAiite! You take care and Once I get back we will catch up! Mark my return date...Talk at you later!---------------------------------------------Well thats my story as of now....Long read...but its worth it. I know things will change soon...hopefully for the better...I always have the little place in my mind to run and hide if shit gets sticky...And I can always think of the places I have been and people I have seen!I am not a man that needs a woman, or needs friends or family to help me through things...I ask their advice, but usually my mind is alreay made up. I just like input from other peoples perspectives....My mind is ALWAYS made up before I ask....Even if the answer is not the correct one. I am very stubborn as my ex girlfriend used to tell me.Sometimes its a good thing, sometimes its not....But thats who I am, if you dont like it....fuck off! I dont need you in my life if you dont like who I am! Thats who I am and I aint gunna change for anyone! Take me as I am, I say!Well, my buddy is here....time for fishing...I love fishing...so peaceful....Im out bois and gurls....
DATE: Wednesday, June 29, 2oo5 21:58
Mood: Sick...fucking sucks...
MP3: No Music...Watchin Razzy play MGS3!

Hmm what to talk about...well lets start off with this... PLEASE DO NOT ADD ME WITH SENDING ME A MESSAGE FIRST!!!! In the last week hella people have tried to add me and I dont know who they are! So I will decline your request....Just send me a message and at least say whats up! Its not that hard! Then at least I know your talkin to me for a reason. I hate having people on my list I never talk to...this is the main reason I only have like 100 or so people on my list! I talk to every single one of them at least once a week! So please!!! PLEASE!!! Dont just add me without talking to me first!!! So ya! Im a female! hahaha, But serious, it is REALLY annoying when people do that!!! I dont like not knowning who people are...If I dont know you and you dont talk to me, then why are you on my friends list? I rather have quality over quantity!!Sooooooooooooo Micah is sick!! this fucking sucks! Ive missed two days of school! And Im runnin a temp! Fuckin blows! I havent eatin in like three days until tonight. I tried to have some ramen and I could only eat half before almost throwing it up! DAMMIT! I feel like shit and I hate being sick...So thats my bitching for tonight....Well...Lets see...other than being sick, nothing else has been happening. I havent left the house in almost three days. My friends car is broke, so I havent seen her in like 4 days :( She lives to far to walk, so I wont be seeing her for a while! Sucks...I watched hella anime though...Like everynight! Its live! Nothin else to do! And I love anime! Did I ever mention im a big fuckin nerd!?!?!? Ya...So Im gunna go have a popsicle and go watch a movie!!Jya ne!! byebye!!
DATE: Monday, June 27, 2oo5 01:51
Mood: Sleepy! But Pretty Darn Happy!! ^_-
MP3: No Music...Just Watchin BadBoys2 Movie!!

Hmph....Well...As you all can see, I took some new pics! And on top of that, I totally redid my page ONCE AGAIN! I have been getting lots of emails asking me for more pics of myself, so I decided to do one better! I decided to add an entire picture part to my main page! The links will take you to the pictures and then you can get back to this site simply by clicking return to profile! OR you can always just open in a new window! Which is what I always do anyway!!You cannot comment on the pics though :( Sorry...Takes to much time outta my day to write the cgi files for that, and my server will overload with that many requests...Anyway! This weekend I went to Kyushu! I have ALWAYS wanted to go there! So my friend took me down there! We had a Great time! I finally got to Stay in a Ryokan which is a Japanese style hotel! REALLY expensive! But she treated me :)I went to this mountain called Monkey Mountain...Its basically the top of this mountin with TONS AND TONS of monkeys running around at your feet! I havent uploaded the pics yet! But I will soon! They were so Cute!!My grandfather is into photography and I dabble in it as well, so you might notice that some pics are not of me, but of flowers and landscape or so...This is because I am interested in these things! DUH!!! But no for real! I love pretty things... Im sure you all know that by now though!!But yeah! Kyushu was total fun! As you can see from one of the pics! hehe Visited lots of bars. This place called beppo reminded me of a small Tokyo! There were hookers and Pimps everywhere all night long! The bars were open all night and there were taxis all over the street! The only time I have seen a place like that was Tokyo! And beppo is totally inaka!!! So that was pretty crazy!! Though, it sucked on the way back..Yuki's car decided to Explode and her transmission went out!! FUCK! The mechanic said its not even worth it to fix, to much money! So I guess she is gunna buy a new car this week! Car labor here is rediculously expensive! And her car is pretty new too! Stupid!I got to visit a Co-Ed Onsen! YA! HOW FUCKIN TIGHT IS THAT??? I was stoked!! Hella fun!!! I got pics of that too, but ya'll cant see!!! SOWWWEEE!!!! Maybe if you ask nice I will let you see!Other that this weekend, not much has been goin on....Hangin out, playing a little pool here and there, and talking to new Myspace friends!!! You know who you are girl! YA YOU!!! haha!!!3 more weeks left of school! Thank God! I have mixed feelings about that! I dont want it to be over, but getting up at the Butt crack of dawn every morning to go to school and learn some hard shit is just not cool....Its hard enough getting up and then you gotta remember tons of shit! Didnt the Japanese hear of no Classes before 10am??? I mean cmon!!!Well, anyway, enjoy my page! I will be adding more pics later and takin off some that up there. If there is a bandwidth problem, please let me know asap so that I can fix it!Thanks for visiting!Jya ne!!
DATE: Tuesday, June o7, 2oo5 01:51
Mood: Sleepy! But Pretty Darn Happy!! ^_-
MP3: Final Fantasy 7 Intro Music

Hey hey! Went out this weekend again! Had a total fuckin blast! Usually Arrows has a Hip hop night, which is basically a normal club theme. Then sometimes they have what people in Japan call 'Events'....Well this last saturday was a Techno event! It was like a mini rave! I havent been to one in ever! Its been so long I dropped the 'for'!!!! Anyway, It was crakkin as fuck! Hella peeps! Way to many bomb as girls! I have to say, Japan has not once dissapointed me in the quality of the females here! The club is ALWAYS crakkin and there are ALWAYS at LEAST 5 females to each guy at the club! And 4 outta 5 of those girls are fucking hottt!!! I was pretty sore from practicing, so I didnt get to break to much! Plus kinda hard to break to techno like they were playing! But I did do a lot of dancing! When I first arrived, I asked the Dj friend of ours if he had some Glo-sticks! He is the big guy in the new pic under my pictures! He said there werent any....He was like Glo-stick Ga nai....I was like damn....Then like 10 min later the OWNER of the club popped outta nowhere and handed me two Glo-sticks! I was like WTF!!!! So fucking tight! I was the ONLY person in the whole club with Glo-sticks!!! Then Bigi, my DJ homie, Introduced me to the Owner and all the other DJs! I got to kick it with the DJs for a few and then they bought me hella free drinks! I got hammered for free that night! And they knocked off $5 off all my friends cover! It was like 7 people!!! So fucking tight! This week Im gunna see about promoting! Hey its a good way to meet girls!!!! (^ O ^) / What can I say! I fuckin Love Japan! This place rocks! Except for the fact that my school is trying to take away my internet at home! Something to do with some Japanese law about Radio waves. I guess you cannot use outside of Japan bought items to transmit radio waves. And my wireless router and Yagi was bought outside of Japan! Fuckers! Always tryin to keep me down! Just when I finally rigged the internet at my house! God Im such a nerd!!!! A cute nerd though!!! Anyway, I gotta go to bed! I got class in the morn! I'll update later! O ya check out the new pics!!!!! Jya ne!!
++ the life
A little about me...Well, I am from Seattle, Im working on my degree in International Business/Computer Engineering. I spent 6 months in Japan for school and now Im back to finish my degree & get on with my life!
I have wonderful family! Great friends! Fun Job, 2 Yamaha R1s and a Show Car! Couldn't ask for anything more!
Anyway...Im out!!!
++ the boy
name: micah
birthdate: sept 12th
location: seattle
status: taken....again :P
ethnicity: ninja
physique: cut/athletic
height: 6' (183cm)
weight: 174lbs (79 kg)

My Interests

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