My number one interest is the well being of those around me. Thus, my favorite job in the whole world, a job that can compare to none. Being a Firefighter/EMT has probably been the most amazing thing I have ever done. The training was great, however, real life is gruesome, and tragic. Death happens...sometimes, you do all you can, but its that persons time to move on. The way I see it, they're the lucky ones if they were believers. I've learn to accept that death, as devastating to a family as it may be should be a time of celebration, not of grieving and remorse. Sometimes we lose friends, family members, pets...whatever. Being sad isn't going to bring them back. The best thing that you can do, is celebrate the life that they lived, share stories about things that you did as a kid, as corny or crazy as they may be. It is so much easier celebrating and remembering someone for the good person they were, rather than mourning they're loss.
God...he sounds like a pretty nifty fellow. I'd also like to meet my grandfather...never met him, but he was the man according to my dad. Also, some other random relatives and famous one too special though.
I'll tell you what, I listen to a lot of different different types of music. I have Sirius Satellite radio in both of my cars, and I really enjoy listening to almost every channel that I have. I'm definately an eclectic. I used to be pretty heavy in to pop and rap styles of music, but they can get a bit repetitive at times. I listen to basically...anything. Getting back into the Christian Rock though, it is pretty intense, the words will get you thinking...thats for sure
Haven't seen any good movies that really impressed me lately, hmm, Top Gun is an American classic...thats probably it. The Goonies, because "Sloth loves Chunk" and Borat of course, Its pretty much one of the Dumbest movies ever made, but there are more amazing quotes in that movie then any movie I've ever seen in my entire life, with the obvious exception of Napoleon Dynamite, Ladder 49, and any Adam Sandler movie, just because they are neat.
I hate reality t.v. shows...they're lame. I do enjoy shows that are real life, like Ice Road Truckers--hard core mofos, anything on the Discovery Channel or TLC, but I do love the show Rescue Me...if you're and aspiring Firefighter, I recommend checking it out.
I don't think I've read any books that weren't instruction manuals for radios in a long long high school long time. I don't even know how long ago that was.
Out of special request, I have been told that my heros are Lenny and Skwiggy a.k.a. Joel! Thats right, these guys, they know where ALL of the fun is at...not only that, but they hang with the highest of society, the best of the best if you will! There is also a very close and personal friend of Mine, his name is Karl. I like to call him Monique the Coffee Chick...because, well thats just him. Karl is a supervisor in our local 911 center, and is by far one of the funniest men in the world. Put him, Big Dick Crab and Curtis in the same room and "MenCom" will really come alive!!! Finally, there is Ron, AKA the Intimidator! He knows all and can never be proven wrong...unless you like to be intimidated, and even then, you are probably still wrong, cause thats just the way the world revolves, around Ron. I know you'll read this and try to intimidate me to change it, just remember your sensitivity training. I won't forget the day when Ron and I had a little heart to heart at a fire, I was a little run down and looked like I was ready to code...or die if you will, Ron came up and started chatting with me, just out of no where, and since then, we've been the best of friends!!! For Real! He seems a little rough, but for real, Ron is the man, He knows a lot and is one to go to when you have a question. A man of his word, and not afraid to share whats on his mind. Listen to him, he will always be truthful and let you know how to do your job better.