Ergriefer profile picture



About Me

.. Ergriefer started several years ago, when after a long period of idly worshipping at the black metal altar, i committed to producing some songs of my own in the style. Aside from some notable contributions (some drums on the very early demos from Matt of Sordid Affair, some guitar from Jay Cardinell on the more recent stuff), Ergriefer is entirely my creation. I'm still open to the idea of playing this music in a live setting, but until i find musicians who share my vision of astral psychedelic black metal, it will remain a studio project. Either way, I feel I have reconnected with this project, and i Have a ridiculous amount of music waiting to be heard.
While much of the new stuff I believe is aesthetically linked to the older, more overtly black metal material, i've elected to drop the raspy vocals and go either melodic or instrumental. I just don't feel the need anymore. I'm a grown-ass man.
Know this: Ergriefer is not into cheap sloganeering, goofy costumes, ridiculous mission statements, or any other forms of manipulative image-making. the music alone is your guide, whatever name you decide to tag unto it is irrelevant to me.

My Interests


Member Since: 12/28/2005
Band Members: Dustin Swanson : vocals, guitar, bass, synth, programming.
Influences: Blut Aus Nord, Jesus Lizard, Swans, Helios Creed, Kataxu, Kampfar, Drudkh, Ornette Coleman, Magma, John Mclaughlin, Godflesh, Jesu, Eno/Fripp, Terje Rypdal, Tangerine Dream, Univers Zero, Summoning, Sun Ra, My Bloody Valentine, Kayo Dot, Ketil Bjornstod, Judas Priest, The Scorpions, Deep Purple, Devo, Area, Bathory, Celtic Frost, Darkestrah, Enslaved, Nocternity, Shining, Peste Noire, Wolves in the Throne Room
Sounds Like: A man with a confused record collection and some years of experience, left to his own devices, without any reference for genre or prescribed aesthetic.
Alternately, you could say it sounds like digital doodles
Type of Label: None

My Blog

new song "the lamb" posted

listen to it!  if you have any thoughts about it, let me know.
Posted by Ergriefer on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 07:16:00 PST

New ones

New songs are cropping up.  Pretty out of character compared to the older stuff, but i feel that it's time for a change, and since this is a one man project, nobody was around to veto me.  I...
Posted by Ergriefer on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 07:17:00 PST

Quiet!!! Ergriefer is sleeping

I've decided to put Ergriefer on hiatus from active duty for a while.  It's been a lot of fun, especially meeting up with all these wonderful artists out there, and teaming up with Jay for some n...
Posted by Ergriefer on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 10:23:00 PST

Ergriefer Needs Art.

I am borderline retarded when it comes to visual art.  My friend Nick is helping me out with the cover of my first collection, but in the future i wish to team up with an artist who can make imag...
Posted by Ergriefer on Sun, 21 May 2006 11:55:00 PST