molten metal,music,photography&the ladies(all of these combined)i really like molten women
that occult leader,whats his name?that mexican guy...OH YEA JESUS
acid bath,ass jack,six feet under,agents of oblivian,goat whore,canibal corpse,dead boyand the elephent men ect................................................(ft worth local)confusatron,jack quick,sin-c,spoonfed tribe,catfish wiskey ect.
strangeland,house of a 1000 corpses,gummo,crash,the naked lunch,devils rejects
G4 barbedwire,adult swim,taboo,i also like this show i show in my head"but it has to do with sLAUGHTER&GODishness" yea "i think youd like my brains hills&valleys"
dreads,metal working,engineering&photography"i also like books about donkey VAGINAS"
Cpt. Howdy,Cpt.Spalding,BOB