Tanya profile picture


tHe Be$t D@mN tHiNg YoUr EyE$ H@vE eVeR $EeN

About Me

When You Walk Away
I Count The Steps That You Take

Things I Love:
*My girlies
*French knickers :P
*Getting pissssssssed
*Laying hehe new hobby steff!! o and *cough cough* mountin ;) lol
*More chocolate
*Going out
*Staying in
*Double deckers
*All the Charlie's
*Dimes..o i mean DIAM b4 ne1 corrects me *cough adam cough*
*Hobnobs, cookies.....
*My job...well sum of d time
*Bracelets at funky fun
*The film dirty dancing *Ploughmans partys...ahhh those wer d days....
*Disney films
*Long roaders :)
*My sisters and my mum (my dad...not so much! lol)
*Hubba Bubba
*When the clocks go back an hour and i get an extra hour in bed!
*Getting presents
*Giving presents
*Smiling so much your mouth hurts
*laughing so much your stomach hurts
*Vodka and red bull
*Ace (well actually steff does ha much *Late nights
*Late mornings
*Being bossy (apparently!)
*Blue plasters ha
*My bed
*The cottenham crew!
*Shoes, clothes, bags...
*When ive just been paid!Things I Hate:
*People who love themself to much
*When my battery runs out on my ipod/phone (this happens alot!)
*C3 buses
*C7 buses going the opposite way
* "Sorry not in service" buses
*Waiting for the bus
*Missing the Bus
*When i have to brake into a note (as in money lol)
*Getting up early
*Brussel sprouts
*When i cant find my size in clothes (this also happens alot! lol)
*Stuck up people *cough cough* lol
*The fact that theres not enough time in the day
*That some people have everything
*One-sided friendships
*Wasps..bees make honey. what do wasps do?...exactly
*That the buses dont run regularly on sundays
*When i lose something
*When i forget what im saying halfway through a sentance (i do actually do this!)
*People who pretend to be pissed! if you dont want to drink thats fine, JUST DONT FAKE IT!!!!
*Cold cups of tea :( ha
*When someone else gets the guy
*The fact that this list is so long!
Scrollbox Code from KillerKiwi.net
[email protected]

My Interests


Joe: Thankyou for giving me everything and more, proberably more than I deserve. For loving me, being there for me and making me happier than I have ever been. For always treating me like a princess and letting me be myself. I love you Joe, and i always will xxxxxx
Rosie: Thankyou for always being there when i need you, for being someone i can tell absolutely anything to, and being one of the funniest people i know. For being honest, caring, and gorgous!! I love you always xxxxxx
Natalie: For letting me be your personnal diary :p and keeping me laughing through all our trillion frees. For listening to me moan. For your fit list :p For being a fun piss head and for gigging it with me :) love you xxxx
Steff: For always listening to me go on and on and on.. and on about guys, life, family, and basically a load of crap lol For standing by me all these years and always managing to make me laugh. For loving Busted with me :p and for just being you. MWAH!!! hate ya hehe loooove you xxxx
To all my friends for being there through the hard times and being like family to me over the year. I love you all so much xxxx