All I think about it traditional American music, the older the better. Music in general, though not really bands or songs as much. Dig? I am also into sex, cleaning my room, reading, feeling sorry for myself and then feeling good about myself. I like my brothers and sisters, my nephews and nieces.
People who play music. Playing music with people is like talking. Some people treat it like that, but only want to talk about themselves and yell the whole time. That's alright, but I enjoy a little more back and forth.
In order of preference: rock n roll, pre-80's soul, indie, old timey and gospel. Music I can't stand: "rock", bluegrass [at least Scruggs style] and reggae. Bleck!
Wes Anderson films and those who rip him off. The stuff Bill Murrey puts out these days and, I confess, the stuff he used to put out. The man was funny!
The Daily Show and The Colbert Report
My taste run towards the middle 20th century when it comes to fiction, but I am unimpressed with Hemmingway. Whatever McSweeney's has put out I have enjoyed. I read a lot of non-fiction, leaning towards physics related text and (duh) banjo books.
Pete Seeger. Richard Feynman. Leigh Vega. My dad.