cooking, baking cupcakes and decorating them in a themed manner, making cards, dancing ballet, studying math, studying physics, studying astrophysics, cosmology (the study of the origin of the universe), studying history, learning from history, anthropology of women, the international socialist organization, my friends, the campaign to end the death penalty, painting (pictures and walls),people and stuff, writing, reading, figure modelling for art classes (not for Sears), rearranging furniture.
Things I listen to/enjoy currently: Brazillian drumming ensembles, Piano Compositions, Otis Redding, Bill Withers, Aretha Franklin, M.I.A., !!! , Neutral Milk Hotel, Stevie Wonder, Tu Pac, Neil Young. Q and not U, El Guapo, Ted Leo, HUGGY BEAR, Animal Collective, The Nation of Ulysses, Lifter Puller, A Tribe Called Quest, Violin composition, Fugazi, Rites of Spring, Green Day, Belle and Sebastian; Things I listened to when I was a teen and pre-teen that shaped my musical tastes and led me to hair-brained schemes that I am grateful for: FIFTEEN, Crimpshrine, Gloria Esteban, Michael Bolton doing remakes of the classic Motown Hits, Crass.
Nightfall ( the short story ) by Issac Asimov; State and Revolution (Lenin); Origin of the Universe (John Barrow); The Theory of Everything (Stephen Hawking); The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State by Engles; My Anthropology 590 Reader ( The Anthropology of Gender: compiled by Sheila Tully); The Little Prince (Saint-Exupery); The Myth of Sisyphus, Summer in Algiers, and other essays/short stories by Albert Camus; Mrs. Dalloway (Virginia Woolf); Love in the Time of Cholera (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)
The Woman. The Boy. Banana. Elizabeth Terzakis. Madame Berthier.